me: so when you gonna let me tap that?
Her: next weekend
me: why do i have to wait that long?
Her: that beer is for your brothers wedding
me: no im talking about tapping your ass
Her: i told you a 100 times no anal
me: not anal just sex
Her: what the hell is up with you today?
me: nevermind
At first she thought i was talking about tapping the half keg we have in the garage for my brothers wedding…then it just went downhill from there :meh:
Aaron: when you gonna let me tap that?
Me: What?
Aaron: Well?
Aaron: ? Aaron:*you suck, see nyspeed for context
her: You suck, I don’t spend all day on forums
me: So when you gonna let me tap that?
her: U been drinkin at work again?
me: Negative.
her: Just thinking about me?
me: Yup. And it got me all hot and bothered. So what’s the answer?!
her: idk. I’ll have to figure something out.