a thought. brampton!

lol dts. shoppers drug mart? shoppers world brampton is a mall…there isnt even a shoppers drug mart in that mall…but yea as it stands tuesday i will be there with a few others…if u decide udont want to go the fine be it…ill be there even if im by myself :frowning: lol

you guys should meet in the underground parking at bramale city center, its so wild driving under there it sounds sick.

^^^^Thats a good idea I would meet there.


well mainly the only reason why i said shoppers was to see if we even had eneough of you guys from the brampton or gta area that would actually come out. let all just think and put our minds to it and we can go meet. lol…i have no exhaust yet. stock peat shooter…underground all u can hear is my intake :frowning: LOL! but yea bramalea is cool by me but lets just see how it goes…maybe it will be a good turnout :wink:

Queen and west drive is always the most dead lot for anything nightly no ricers ect …on thursdays the TSubaruC brampton meet is there

How about we not meet up. These small meets are pointless and gay. Just a bunch of jackassry and people that don’t know wtf they are talking about so they spead their non-sense. Brampton is bad enough we don’t need anymore attention. I’m pretty sure DTS is thinking about the northside of brampton shoppers drug mart and tims by my house. THe odd time I see a fast car there passing through in my path for coffee.

where exaclty is this meet planning to be held, im not to familiar with brampton. i dont mind the drive to show up for the meet but how do u get there from scarborough?

www.mapquest.com and so far i am just waiting on the popularity of place…bramalea or shoppers world… still got about 5days to figure it out.

aite i dun wanna make things more complicated, buh arent there sum nice spots around bovaird? i was there a while ago buh im not too sure, if not then stick to 1 of those 2 chioces, bramalea or shoppers world. i guess jus make a posting a day or two b4 to make it final

well im happy to see there is a few intrested. i cant wait till the day to see the show …it will be after niagra but it will still be dope :wink:

tuesday underground of bramalea city centre kinda by the tim hortons area i will be there…at about 8ish

what ever happened to this thing?

got lazy, also a few people here kinda bug me :smiley:


hey spilner werent u supposto quote me on some rsx-s black? lol then i will paint :stuck_out_tongue: im tryin to find someone who can hoook a brotha up ya kno :slight_smile: