Oshawa Meet

Lets get this going… until march ill be in my echo.

Im thinking Thursday Nights about 8:00pm

I know couple guys around Oshawa that has 240sx’s

id be down for some meets once my car comes out of winter storage.

id be down for a meet in whitby, i just need to paint mine and get an abs module… might take a while

depends, is there going to be mad drifting/curb hopping and pole hitting going down??

no i think that was Coop LE at the lake or something…

south oshawa?


I was thinking… at the Canadian Tire on taunton road in whitby/oshawa border line.

^ a couple block away form your house eh lol id be down for the drive up there to but bad timing wait until spring when all the 240s come out to play

right near the 5-0 station…

good idea

lol what about in a couple months at hooters for wing nights?tuanten road

haha forgot about that… hey hey… im originallly from malvern.

Um, Maybe taunton and harmony area?

or simcoe car wash? dont know if that is ricer zone, or bait.

kollo, ye that might be nice, its on king i thought tho.

fuck that

titty bar. whos down?

hooters? let’s keep it PG for randy lol

do they have a dollar menu?

ye lets keep this on a pg-13 level still…

umm… no i like the titty bar idea pund a couple beer and see some tits:)

i vote zanzibar

im not from up that way is it a titty bar?im down if it is