A Torontonian Perspective (on buffalo)

i love and hate this city.

I love the history and all the cool buildings and houses around here. but thats about it.

I hate the people and the goverment and NYS.

i am getting out of here as soon as i can.

Buffalo sports garden
Anchor Bar
many local bars/pizza places

i think those wings are amazing and i haven’t found wings outside of this area that compare to ours


Because this place is a fucking hole and I am a poor college student, but here I’m rich biotch.

I tried Duffs once, and then gave them a scond chance. They are the number one reason that I hate the “Buffalo” wing.

O.K. now take the local bar/diner/pizza place wing mentallity and apply to an area that isn’t brainwashed by the Frank’s taste.

sorry to hear that, but i think thats your own loss.

actually, i typically order BBQ wings…

BBQ is not a flavor of a real wing get that shit outta here…

Holy shit i agree!, BBQ wings are good but hot sauce makes them a real wing. And duffs does suck.

Thank you, not to say all wings here are bad. I just don’t get how a lot of places fall into that category of the Duff taste and how people rave about it.

I like a wing that is warm to hot, clears up the nose when I take a big wiff, not covered in suace but rather covered in taste.

aw another college student who came here who didn’t bother finding out about the town before he came

i have no sympathy

edit: and there is a particular good type of buffalo wing that I rarely see around there thats really good though, but the way buffalo makes themm compared to other areas, ill take buffalo

Try the broadway pub man, They are crispy, big, tasty, just a great wing.

And to stay on topic, Noticed that facade thing off the 190 the other day, construction on the new building is teh slow.

Actually I checked out the town before. It was better than Potsdamn that houses Clarkson, and I didn’t like the suasage ratio of RIT. I even hooked up while I was apartment scouting. The initial appeal of the nightlife was good, but I have gotten soft in my old age. And underneath all the glizt and make up that made getting wasted on Chipawa there is nothing but a dried up whore. Now that I am sober I can realize that now.


[/color][color=YellowGreen][color=Black][size=2]FWIW I have met some amazing people in buffalo. I am not sure about some of your social problems, but I talk to people everywhere I go around here.

The suburbs is where I encounter most of these people Klemann is speaking of… Everyone here talks about putting up suburban style buildings downtown… make it easier to drive there. Why do you think people arent nearly as social as they used to be? We are a vehicular based society now, we can pretty much do whatever we want, having only minimal human interaction these days.

Big urban cities generally have much better social skills because you deal with people EVERYWHERE. As buffalo starts to fill its new housing and urbanization picks up, hopefully this starts to change directions. You can see it on Elmwood… people are amazing in that area, they are used to dealing and interacting with one another, you can talk to just about anyone.

Even in north buffalo, most of the people I meet are great. We have a neighbor who just plows our driveway. He doesnt charge or anything, he just goes around and plows all of the driveways around his house, because he is a nice guy.

Networking is the force that runs this city. I laugh when people tell me there are no jobs around here, or there is no opportunity around here. Its an old boys network people! You have to network and know people to get jobs… jobs are only advertised as a last resort, most positions are filled long before that point. If you cannot manage to network here, you will not survive, period.

Bubbles… the point of the article was that:

Lets say I make 50k here… and I have a 3000 sq ft house in a nice neighborhood that cost me 100k. Well if i were in Cali, and had the same house, and same job, I would only make about 70k, but my house would cost 400k or more.

Now I didnt follow any math there, but its obvious the realestate prices jump much higher than salaries. So there are lower taxes, but you pay 4x as much for the house with only a marginally higher salary!

This wasnt such a bad deal when housing was skyrocketing in cali (because your house would double in a year), but at this point the real estate boom has slowed dramatically and it is only a matter of time before the bubble bursts, don’t you think? It’s been written up all over that developers have moved thier interest to places of value in the last 6 months… places like Buffalo, Erie, Rochester.

Actually I would look to Erie for a city with some potential as well… its like a buffalo but without the taxes! :wiggle:

Another thing is you guys arent making points any stronger by assuming things about people involved with this thread.


Bar Bill in EA :tup:

So you like it here becuase you can get a job by ass kissing and not show any job skill?

After all this reading, I just have to put my .02 in. I am not from here, and I have lived here the last 8 years or so on and off. The only reason I stay is because I have children here. I must say, Buffalo sucks. I am from the STL area, and I have lived in Phoenix, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, and Chicago. I have visited Boston, Orlando, Atlanta, San Diego, San Jose, NYC, Maryland and D.C.,Toronto, and Tampa. This place is a shithole. The job market sucks. I have never met so many ignorant people in my life. I truly believe may people here accept less. I could care less about old architecture. I care about the economy, taxes, the job market, and growth. Which Buffalo is lacking in all those areas. This area is plagued by high taxes, horrible roads, and it is dirty. BUffalonians are not the friendliest people either. It is segregated, and the school system is not the best either. What I do like is its proximity to Canada. I spend plenty of time there. I am not from here, so I will never LOVE Buffalo. Everyone raves how much it has to offer. I don’t see the advantages. I will deal with a little traffic, in a city that major team in all major sports, has a developed waterfront, low taxes, a good economy, major growth, and less corrupt government, and the good ol boy attitude that is rampant around here. I can’t wait to leave. I can see why people who are from here and have family here love it here, especially if they have never really been anywhere else. In comparison with other cities, Buffalo just doesn’t have it.

is anybody disturbed that one of the single largest employers in WNY is Erie County?

I guess if networking to get a good paying LOCAL GOVERNMENT job is the only way in WNY, then I thats another reason for not staying.

i would consider a return to WNY if the economy makes a 180 change and there is a massive overhaul of the government (which includes taxes). Some how I doubt any changes will ever happen. Buffalo is destined to remain a Third World city.

I love it here
I have a good job.
Live close to the water (love to fish, boating)
Can ski/snowboard in the winter
1.5 hours from toronto
The WINGS ARE AWESOME along with all the other food.
I love the 4 seasons, I’m always looking towards the next one.
All my family is here.

Ok so I can’t compare buffalo to another city because I’ve never lived anywhere else. But why would I if I love it here.

Edit - although I live in Niagara County

Some people mention that the attitude of the the people they interact with sucks. I don’t have a problem walking up to say a gas station attendant tad talking with them. I, myself, am a very approachable guy and will stir up small talk just in the reason to be friendly.

I deal with students all day. The transplants from NYC and NJ are the majority of the rude people that I meet. They want everything for free and thats not good enough for them. Plus their grammar sucks and they think they are “acting” cool when they talk like an idiot. And since their mommy and daddy aren’t here to do everything for them, then they cry like a bitch if they don’t get their way. It’s been like that the 5 years that I have been in that position and it only gets worse.

And I can say this as fact since I see what their address is and can make this statement.

The local students don’t have nearly as much as a chip on their shoulder, they don’t expect the same freebies as the above listed, and they are willing to work for what they need/want.

It is a whole different attitude that shows from the 2 sides of this state. I’ll take this side any day of the week, because Eastern NY attitude sucks.

As for investing in Buffalo, either you are on the bus or not. If you sit and bitch about things all day long while you sit in an Amherst Starbucks location and don’t do anything to help the situation, then you are useless to the cause. If enough people are willing to work to change a situation, change usually happens. Anyone can sit and bitch about things, but nothing gets done about it until you get off your ass.

You can keep Clarence, Amherst, Williamsville-
Starbucks, cellphone store, McDonalds, lawyer office, dance studio, then repeat. All the new houses, yet nice, but have no characteristic or personality other than large.

As for me, I’ll live in my beautiful 2000 sq ft house with character with a 2 car garage that I can afford, with my good paying job, with my ride to work at 12 minutes, and my family 15 minutes away, a NFL team, a NHL team, one of the 7 wonders of the world, 4 seasons, close to Canada, good food, and a diverse culture.

How do I deal, I take a lot of vacations. I am looking to buy property in central Florida. I think we can change the area, but there needs to be more we.

Baby steps is what is happenening. Yes, more needs to be done. How about getting on the bus and helping the people that are trying. Taxes are killing us, Medicaid and the mooches of NYC. Separate WNY from Eastern NY and we’d be better off. Bring businesses here.

I like it here, but here doesn’t like me back. I’ve lived in other cities before. when the girlie gets her master’s done, we will be outtie. but I won’t talk shit on the joint. :gotme:

Networking and asskissing are two very different things.

People get jobs here by both being good at what they do, and by knowing people. Yes, there are cases where someone unqualified is hired (cough erie county*), but it is usually not small business where this happens, there is too much to lose. Its a shame when this happens, but it is a fact of life no matter where you go.

There is a certain trust most small business owners have with most of thier employees and they are likely to take recommendations in high regards. Our company even offers bonuses to employees if they recommend a qualified candidate who gets the job and stays at least a year. I believe about 75% of our hires in the last couple years were from employee recommendations.

I have my current job because I am very good at what I do, and because someone introduced me to the people who own the place… I have most of the current opportunities in my life because of people I met through other people I know, and we connected.

Even this forum is a great example of networking… how many people got something whether it be a job, a new friend, a part they needed or whatever because they decided to be social and talk to other people with similar interests. It is far from asskissing.

Rubicant is a bad judge of character so i got a job through this forum!