A Torontonian Perspective (on buffalo)

what i love about the area is anything you want is within 30 minutes away.
lake erie in the summer, downtown, niagara falls, shopping malls, ski resorts, major sports teams, amusment parks, etc… You are 15 minutes away from the country or 15 mintues away from downtown.

To me buffalo has many of the qualities of a big city with a small town feel. Its very easy to get around and do things without a big hassle. The food here is also very good (notice the % of obese people lol)

there is a wide variety of outdoor as well as indoor activities here. There are 4 real seasons. Summers here are amazing and there is always sometihng going on or a festival. if you find things to do in the winter you can have just as much fun and actually enjoy the snow.

There are no major natural disasters. sure people complain about the snow, but that wont flood your neighborhood or blow your house down. there are not earthquakes, hurricanes, major floods, large forest fires, tsunamis etc… occasionaly every so often there might be a small tornado or something but thats about it.

IMO Buffalo is a great comprimise city. It has many things you would want in a large city but without the hassles. It has all 4 seasons. You can do almost anything here and there is a good quality of life for families. To me buffalo is home. I have been on the other side of the world in a tropical paradise, and its nice to visit but i wouldnt want to live there, because to me buffalo is home

and UB, a state run school

and yes, networking is the #1 way to getting a job here, it is usually one of the best ways of getting a job, but its used way too much around here, there are many idiots who have a cushy job that shouldn’t based on their qualifications

but I can agree with most of what sucks about buffalo, except the wings

OMG networking happens everywhere!!!

One way to help:

Inspired by the current condition of the historic yet neglected Buffalo Central Terminal, Greg Wojda, a longtime cog in the local music scene, spearheaded a remarkable charity album in “Bring it Back toLife,” a compilation of 16 original bands with net proceeds going toward restoration of the terminal. Last month, a benefit marked the release of the album with a fund-raising party at Club Infinity featuring performances by contributors the Feast, the Filter Kings, McCarthyizm, Breakerbox and No Effect. Two associated fundraising concerts will be held in February and March. The Bring It Back To Life CD Release Party was a big success. Many people are now wondering where they can buy the cd:The CD is available on the web at http://www.buffalocentralterminal.org/store/ If you order through the website 100% of the proceeds go to the CTRC.

Net Proceeds from this project will benefit the continued restoration efforts at the BUFFALO CENTRAL TERMINAL. Purchase the CD from the Central Terminal Restoration Corporation website, and 100% of the cost will go to the restoration efforts.

This CD Compilation has something for every musical taste, and represents what Buffalo and Western New York is all about in original and creative talent.

Join us in Bringing Back To Life The Buffalo Central Terminal.


1 THE FEAST - Bring It Back To Life
2 JACKDAW - Pigtailman
3 BREAKERBOX - Just The Way You Want Me
4 MCCARTHYIZM - The Great Escape
5 THE CORRECTIONS - The Best Girlfriend I Never Had
9 THE FILTER KINGS - Where You Gone
10 JEREMY HOYLE BAND - Satellite Hotstove
11 HAIKU - The Lost Ghost (Live)
12 KATE ENGLER BAND - Breakin All The Rules
13 NO EFFECT - Tear Me Down
16 MICHAEL BLY - Drunk Dial

Kudos to Sara Etten for her work towards this project!

shut up

i forgot to mention that too…not many places in the world have such distinctly different and equally beautiful seasons one after another, that’s def something i’d miss…

and to tom and the others that say it’s the people here they can’t stand…haven’t you heard that buffalo is the city of good neighbors? i dont think it’s just a rumor, i have had, and continue to have on a regular basis, occurrences totally opposite from what you describe…i dont know where you run into so many assholes, but almost daily i can strike up convos with friendly people that i have never seen before in my life, and probably never will again, anywhere i go this is the case…


I love where I live… but only for the fact that this is where I was born and raised. I’ve been to many places around the country… and I’d have to say that Southern states are much more friendly than people in the Buffalo area. I went to the mid west to Missouri and I had men hold the door open for me, tip their hats and compliment me. I was freaked out because I wasn’t used to such behavior.

I know I would get horribly homesick if I left here. But from my travels I’m definitely moving out west. Arizona to be exact. The people are great there and I love the scenery. I actually cried at how beautiful it was out there (stfu). And if I could handle the snow, I’d move to Rhode Island. It’s also beautiful over there as well.

When you fly into Buffalo what do you see? Run down factories and an undeveloped waterfront. What do you see when you get out of the airport? Never ending construction and brown weeds. What does Buffalo and the county do to make things better? Not a damn thing. Their idea of making the waterfront a tourist attraction is to build a bike path. Like people are going to come from all around the world to see the Buffalo bike path. Come on. This area is going downhill and I really don’t see it bouncing back anytime soon.

I would have to disagree with you there. People are not that nice here, and if they are they are talkin shit about you behind your back.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

i can’t believe this discussion is still raging on.

the facts are pretty clear - the economy in buffalo is lagging way behind the national average (a near 30 year recession) yet the taxes are above average. The population continues to migrate away from Western New York as a whole - this being again higher than the national average. Property values in the Queen City have stagnated (dare I even say dropped) over the last 20 years. The average household income has also remained statistically the same for the last 15 years, again much lower than the national average.

there is no controversy about Buffalo sucking balls economically. The area is not flourishing, shit its not even recovering.

So in other areas, they are really sincere?

I’m one of those guys that holds a door open for people, help women clean the snow off their car or shovel their walkway. I give to charities. Sure there are pissed off, arrogant, annoying people out there, but I distance myself from them. Maybe if you see these types of people on a constant basis, it’s the crowds that draw to you or the same activities you are involved in.

Maybe I can be pissed about the condition that Buffalo is in, but most of the people that I know that are from here are good people.

BTW, I never said that WNY doesnt face a wealth of challenges and problems as well…

Erie County goverment is a big issue, City Gov has gotten better and hopefully will go further in that direction, and obviously our biggest issue is the State.

I also see a huge problem being the viral pessimistic view on the city, especially with people who really have nothing to do with the city, live in the suburbs, and havent lifted a finger to try and change anything. A bad attitude and a pessimistic view is a disease that spreads all too easily and brings the whole area down. I know far too many people who can talk a whole lot of shit, but its mainly because they ride that viral bandwagon, as well as being too lazy to try and change what they do not like, or create opportunities for themselves.

If you think your goverment is going to magically inspire you to get off your ass and create a future for yourself, you are going to be sadly mistaken, no matter where you live. (unless you are related to joel giambra… hehe.)

No fortune 500 companies? Who cares… M&T is close and should be on it next year. Rochester has at least two companies on the F500, and they arent any better off than we are. Small businesses are keeping both of these cities alive, which is why you should be supporting them.

How many of you would rather shop at walmart than give a local business owner your money?

Outside of the east side, I would have to disagree with you on the property values…

In north buffalo alone, I have watched average selling prices go from averaging in the 70s-80s to the 90-110s or higher. And thats in less than two years.

West village prices have always been rising. Downtown prices on buildings have gone from 30k 3 years ago to 100k or higher.

You just watch… I hope this thread is still around in 5 years. I bet you will see some substantial changes in buffalo.

And at this point, you are gone… why are you arguing, why do you care?
What do you have to prove?

I wish you the best of luck where you are… I think it is great to actually have left if you feel the way you do. Most people talk the shit, but never leave.

That’s very true, but how would you ever change it? You can’t because it is a vicious cycle:

  1. People don’t like this city.
  2. Tell them to help out to make it a better place.
  3. They tell you to fugg off, they have better things to do.
  4. Nothing ever get’s done because of their attitude.
  5. Refer to step 1.

That’s exactly this city’s problem, nobody wants to get off their ass and fix anything or do anything about it, and that’s why Buffalo sucks.

I tried, and failed. But at least I wasn’t one of the people that sat around bitching and never did anything about it. Where did all my hard work and time get me or this city? Nowhere.

The sad truth about Buffalo is that the people here love to support the big box store. They think the little guy is more money. But in fact we are the same or even less then the big box shit store who could care less about you…

I have lived here my whole life so I can talk the shit I want… I have also lived in Texas for a few months been to Europe the mid east and all over the US. And the only one place I can compare Buffalo to is the Mid East a fvcking shit hole…
Once school is done with :hay: … Nothing is ever going to change in Buffalo… Your just living on a dream…

I will not change my view on this place until the local govt and state stop being crooks… Hell I hate all of NEW YORK STATE…

are you in highschool? There are assholes everywhere.

If everyone is an asshole to you here, I bet the problem lies with you, not them.

I highly doubt a person like myself can live my life in buffalo and not have to encounter all these assholes you all speak of.

I am 29 years old thank you. There is a way to act, it is not just people being assholes to me, it’s what I see everywhere, and as much as you may not like it, there are plenty around here in Buffalo. It’s a reality. Just because u don’t see it, does not mean it doesn’t happen

This is a sad truth all over america.
The problem is, is that Buffalo needs people to support the local guys more than anyone else. Most of the local businesses will treat you like gold as well, they REALLY appreciate people who support them, and it is well worth it.

Did you know that walmart employs 1.6 million people? I know at least one person locally that was put out of his 20+ year old business by the big box hardware stores, and now he is working for them. That just sucks.

Do your city a favor people, and support your local businesses.

What did you do to help? If you gave up on it already and are counting the months, explain what you did to help the area.

If anything it will help validate your reason for leaving.