A Torontonian Perspective (on buffalo)

I must have some sort of attractiveness quality to assholes & bizitchez. :gotme:

I could only wish I could interact with the people you seem to be in contact with, because in comparison I seem to be getting the short end of the stick.

It seems you want to be Buffalo’s ambassador. You don’t wanna hear the bad people are speaking about this town. Just the “bliss” that you experience. People aren’t making shit up.

he explained earlier… read up in the thread.

I posted it about 2-3 pages ago…

(I am not being a smartass when I said that, just trying to be helpful)

Thank You.

Many buffalonians have thier blinders on to anything good around here. We are the victims of sensationalized media and a viral pessimistic view. If I can turn a couple peoples opinions about the city, its worth it.

i think that as long as you are living in Buffalo you will defend it to the death and praise all parts of the city, truly believing that it is a wonderful place to be. It’s those of us that have left the area that can see the differences much more. I know that i didn’t want to move but had to because i couldn’t find a job in wny, but now that i did move i am so glad that i did. I don’t know what it is about Buffalo that causes us to put blinders on to the crappy situation the city is in, yes there are some amazing qualitites to buffalo and it will always be my home, but other cities seem to have such a higher quality of life and so much potential.

No problem. I must have missed that post.

I lived in downtown pittsburgh for 3 years…

Well put. It’s definitely a lower quality of life here.

Tell that to my bro, found a job in Pittsburgh, a very nice city but the people there ruin it. That and everything is on a hill and nothing is close to anything else. He would love to come back if he could make the same money here.


I did like pittsburgh… but it isnt doing very well economically either. I am sure knocking down a stadium that they owed millions on and building two more didnt help the situation.

I love a lot of people in Buffalo.

I met a lot of people in Buffalo.

I enjoyed the town a lot. It showed me things from a different perspective of life.

I call it a “Bubble.” You growing up one place, watching TV, seeing what other places are like, just through the TV or a brief visit, or possibly a brief drunken explination by a friend who briefly lived there. You get this image, that, this is how life is everywhere.

You get settled, and you just start living.

Buffalo popped my bubble… I realized that the world isn’t just like NYC everywhere. (I mean, I knew before, but it got me out of that kinda “mindset”)

I loved the time I spent up there - but i also realized that it is not a place where I could stay.

Buffalo kinda sucks - but a lot of people there are cool. There are also a lot of toolbags.

But the same could be said for every city.

I’ve lived only a couple of places… but I’ll tell you one thing :

Doesn’t matter how great or how shitty a place is…

it’s really what you make of it.

I had a great time, and many great memories, and made many many lasting relationships up there…

Just FYI - I’m not staying in NYC for that long either…

I <3 you howie :touchy:

Wonder what happened to all these Pan American Buildings??? My guess is they burnt down because I cant see anyone ever tearing down these unless the structures were only built to stand a few years.

i’m not saying every single city in the entire country is better than buffalo. All of us that moved away and are just giving our input and we like aren’t lying. We didn’t have a meeting and agree to try to fool the nyspeed community into believing our cities rock. If i could make the money that i am making now in buffalo i would probably move back too for awhile but once i want to start a family i would probably move out of buffalo again. I don’t want my children to grow up in an economically depressed area, i would want them to have as many advantages possible = an area with a thriving economy and prospering community. I love buffalo, all of my friends are there, my family is there, basically everything i know is there so i have no reason to hate on the city, i’m just putting my opinion out there.

I love the summers here and have something going on every day of the week. Winter, not as much anymore since I broke my leg and can’t ice skate or ski :frowning:

The buildings build for the Pan-American exposition were build just for that… the exposition. Expositions are temporary, and so where the buildings.

They were never intended to be kept.

They were all located where delaware park and the art gallery and the nottingham neighborhood is now.

wow what a waste