A Torontonian Perspective (on buffalo)

Sweet jesus how hasn’t anyone said this yet? That just about sums it all up.

But i will say forever buffalo is not shitty, there are alot out there people just tend to be [font=Verdana][size=2]pessimistic.[/size][/font]

Exactly, makes me sad to know that the city at one time looked like that vs now.

Heres my thought,
No where you move is going to be perfect, Texas is too hot, California has earthquakes, etc etc, bla bla bla. You can go and argue it all day. I live where im happy and thats Buffalo at this moment. Ive traveled and lived elsewhere and came back to the B-low because I was most happy here. Sure theres lots of negatives about the city, in my case the good outweighs the bad by a landslide.

It is depressing… the expo was at the peak of buffalo’s economy, no expense was spared. I think there are some buildings that remain, although my memory is blanking at the moment on which buildings these are.

I think just the little white house on Delaware…

And yeah what a waste that all was… I wish the city was like it was back then…

I have no idea what that house is… ive seen it. But there are some old hotels and other nice buildings left as well. I just don’t remember which ones.

11,000,000 people came to that expo, can you imagine?!?!

Well it had to be something to see, that website had some good pics in it though.

I hope people don’t get me wrong - I actually like Buffalo - the laidback lifestyle is very appealling (one of the main reasons why I chose to move to the Bay Area rather than NYC or LA - the lifestyle is similar to WNY but with a higher population density). I wish that I could have raised my son in Buffalo. I like the snow. I like the change of seasons. I like the people (but to be honest, there are good neighbors everywhere, not just buffalo). And yes I do miss the wings.

but to compromise my economic future by staying in Buffalo is too heavy a price to pay. I do not want to live in a place where the average household cannot afford the average new car. Once you live in a place where the community as a whole makes money, why would you choose to live in a place where the community is poor?

It was mainly because we had electric… and not many other places did. “The electric city”

I really don’t see how anyone could say another city has better Buffalo Wings. There are chicken wings, and there are Buffalo Wings…Buffalo wings are deep fried and fucking swimming in sauce, if the wings you’re eating aren’t doing that they’re not buffalo wings…the two are not the same. That’s like say honda makes a better corvette than chevy.

I was waiting for you little joey :slight_smile:

But please lets not talk about chicken wings!

read my mind…

and for the money one can make…would you rather have a shitty 1 bedroom apartment in NYC or LA…or a totally pimp house in buffalo :gotme:

If you want to talk about the city, I think it can and will make the turn around. Eventhough the original article doesn’t seem to like it, the Loft-style condos being built downtown right now are a big sign of that. People are investing a lot of money into this city. Higgins is doing a fucking fantastic job as a first term congressman.

Does buffalo need work? Sure. But it’s not the shit hole so many of you say it is.

I mean seriously, the housing costs alone make it worth it.

You think trash hangs out in downtown buffalo? Goto NYC. I think some people think they’re a bit more “elite” than they really are.

The article is saying that the cookie cutter condo buildings are what they do not like in Toronto. Buffalo’s lofts are being built in old industrial buildings, which is great.

Buffalo Chicken wings > *

Also I only see people that can’t make any money here Crying about how bad Buffalo sucks. Considering things are fairly inexpensive around here, this isn’t really that bad of a place to live.


[QUOTE=Xander]Also I only see people that can’t make any money here Crying about how bad Buffalo sucks. [QUOTE]

I make just enough to support my Evo, two school loans, my motorcycle, insurance on both, cell phone bill, gas in both, credit card payments, both hookers, aftermarket parts for the bike and car, and alittle more to have fun with.

Maybe I am an exception?

If Toyota keeps it up, we will have a Toyota Corvette soon…

I agree 100% of what Howie said…

I have tried to make the best of it, and so far, I consider my portion of that to be a success. I have seen just about everything that the area has to offer, mostly because it was cheap for me to get there, hence motorcycle, and I find that I cannot find anymore places to go. I have literally sit down with a map, topographical and street map to try and figure out more places to go…

For me and myself, I think that in my 9 years of living here, I am ready to get out, that’s all…

No, you are too materialistic and will never be happy, even if you were making 8 figures a year.


You know what I dont really care to contribute too much more to this discussion but I just had to jump on this. I have NEVER seen so many disgusting, low life, back stabbing, selfish, low class people in one place in all my life. Buffalo is full of really ignorant, low class people. Now dont get your panties all bunched up because these are not blanket statements to include everyone. There are decent people here and definite exceptions. I am referring to the unacceptable amount of what I have seen. Just go downtown… or to almost any bar for that matter. The women… ehh whatever… but the men in Buffalo… so many low life piles of shit. Im not talking about ghetto trash either… but Reasonable dressed, reasonably financed, normal looking people… but with no class, no honor, no morals… just selfish, REALLY jealous, REALLY ignorant, disgusting pieces of shit. If it wasnt for the cops and laws I would have a fucking field day here with a billy club. I litelrally feel disgusted half the time I try to go out or do anything on the town. Ive been in spending almost every weekend since Christmas in Toronto and thats where I will be till monday. I’ll be gone permanently by August.

Actually, if I can stay employed in this area, I don’t plan on going anywhere. I just like to join in the Buffalo bashing bandwagon because its fun. Keep in mind at the end of the day though, we could always do worse. We could live in Rochester… :stuck_out_tongue: