Life is what you make of it. Buffalo, San Jose, Chicago, NYC, Paris, London, Tokyo, it doesn’t matter. I’m happy in Buffalo. I’ve got a great career with lots of opportunities, plenty of things to do, things to see, things to be proud of.
Chances are that all you who are screaming “My life sucks because I’m in Buffalo! I’m moving so I can have a good life!” are going to move elsewhere and be just as unhappy. Maybe then you’ll realize that you needed a paradigm shift, not a city with nicer buildings and politicians who are better at hiding their corruption.
In the last 12 months I’ve been to:
-Rochester, NY
-Jackson, MS
-Columbus, OH
-Tampa, FL
-Charleston, SC
-Toronto, Canada
-Hartford, CT
-Newark, NJ
-Chicago, IL
-Pittsburgh, PA
-West Swanzey, VT
-Indianapolis, IN
-Dallas, TX
-Anchorage, AK
-Costa Rica (all over)
-Panama (all over)
-Cape Town, South Africa
-Windhoek, Namibia
-Luanda, Angola
-Porto, Portugal
-Montego Bay-Ocho Rios, Jamaica
-And probably some others that I’m forgetting
Every place I’ve been to has had its own charms and its own problems and I always look forward to coming home.
Oh, and I was sent to most of those places by my company, a company that started from scratch in 1995 in Buffalo, was named one of INC 500’s fastest growing companies, and just opened a new 5 million dollar facility in NT.
Me + Buffalo = :tup: