A Torontonian Perspective (on buffalo)

I am probably one of the least materialistic people on here, and you are one of the people that make Buffalo suck because you don’t even know me, yet you make accusations about my character. You sir, are the reason that Buffalo Sucks, you just proved everyone’s reason as to why people here don’t like the people here.

I would be willing to give up all that I have at a moments notice to live in a place that I could be so happy with my surroundings. I don’t need anything that I currently have to make me happy, and would be just as happy without it as I would with. My property does not make me, I make myself.

Gabriel’s Gate

John’s is pretty decent too.

dozer(tom), there is soooo much to hate about buffalo. im goin to arizona in a week…and as much as im might miss all you guys that i love in a totally hetro way, you might not see me come back…buffalo is the armpit of the usa. just watch the corona commercial. its not just us that knows it

People that aren’t materialistic don’t post on message forums revolving around vehicles. Blegh. Conflict!

And Violater–what do you honestly expect to be hanging out at bars?

Life is what you make of it. Buffalo, San Jose, Chicago, NYC, Paris, London, Tokyo, it doesn’t matter. I’m happy in Buffalo. I’ve got a great career with lots of opportunities, plenty of things to do, things to see, things to be proud of.

Chances are that all you who are screaming “My life sucks because I’m in Buffalo! I’m moving so I can have a good life!” are going to move elsewhere and be just as unhappy. Maybe then you’ll realize that you needed a paradigm shift, not a city with nicer buildings and politicians who are better at hiding their corruption.

In the last 12 months I’ve been to:

-Rochester, NY
-Jackson, MS
-Columbus, OH
-Tampa, FL
-Charleston, SC
-Toronto, Canada
-Hartford, CT
-Newark, NJ
-Chicago, IL
-Pittsburgh, PA
-West Swanzey, VT
-Indianapolis, IN
-Dallas, TX
-Anchorage, AK
-Costa Rica (all over)
-Panama (all over)
-Cape Town, South Africa
-Windhoek, Namibia
-Luanda, Angola
-Porto, Portugal
-Montego Bay-Ocho Rios, Jamaica
-And probably some others that I’m forgetting

Every place I’ve been to has had its own charms and its own problems and I always look forward to coming home.

Oh, and I was sent to most of those places by my company, a company that started from scratch in 1995 in Buffalo, was named one of INC 500’s fastest growing companies, and just opened a new 5 million dollar facility in NT.

Me + Buffalo = :tup:

Courteous, respectful, intelligent people that just want to step out of the house to socialize and have a drink… like you will find in Toronto. You are used to seeing Buffalo garbage at bars which makes your perception of bars in general what it is. This just solidifies my original point.

hahah yeah right mr. lets open my hood everywhere i go and show off my polished everything. Not to mention your uber metrosexual clothes :uhh:


edit: you guys are so harsh on each other. maybe you should all try living up to that good neighbors motto instead of bashing everything, especially you violator, youre so cocky for no reason. Oh wait, you cut your rims in half, nevermind, youre the coolest :tup:

if youre trying to suggest you fit in with that crowd, please, step back and take a look at your actions here. You belittle everybody, and your “points” are just your opinion which you believe to be true. You /= gentleman.

I didn’t know anything opened in NT :frowning:

what bars are you going to? I always have intelligent conversation (when we want to) at bars w/ brett, tom, xander, jeller, dave, etc… maybe you’re going to the wrong places or hanging out with the wrong people

And when you all move away and make twice as much…have fun buying homes that cost 5 times as much…I mean seriously, people making the investment in buffalo are gonna get paid off big time, and most people know this. Buffalo is just now comming out of the post industrial depression. If you look around at the resources this city has, you’d really be amazed. Those that hate on buffalo expect billion dollar projects to be started and completed overnight, and that’s just not reality…I’d be happy to stay here, I’d like to move to different cities for totally different reasons, not because buffalo sucks, just b/c no matter how good it is it’ll never be the “center” of certain fields.

Word… Violator, you must be hanging out at the wrong bars.

Bikerfry, where do you work? Its nice to see a local company on the Fast500 list.

um did you not even read the first post of the first page of this thread? it’s a man that lives in toronto saying exactly the opposite of what you just said…and i dont know what makes you so knowledgable on the residents of toronto, because to the best of my knowledge, you dont live there…

so i’ll take the word of the guy that lives there when he says that they’re a lot of pricks there, which is opposite of what you just said…

and you really must be going to the wrong places, i already posted and dont wanna repeat myself, but i have continued good experiences with total strangers around here…including bars, as much of a dive that some of them may be…people dont just go out looking for other people to be assholes to…


It was a couple years ago that they were named to that list. They’ve gotten local exporter of the year awards and stuff too. 90% of what we make goes overseas, which is pretty cool when the rest of the country is in such a trade imbalance.

EDIT: Hey my new design is on the front page! The OG-20 was all me. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s kinda cool to get out of college and get your own projects right away.

if you hate living here so much GTFO…simple right?

not saying i love buffalo and i’m some huge supporter, but i am stuck here,
it will always snow here…dont like snow…GTFO…
as far as bitching about the wings…please, who fucking cares…
everyones taste is different and everyone is going to like something different.
to each his own…
the article was really good and worth the read.
i would like to see something done with buffalo, but it seems there are too many obstacles to bring a rapid change.

this is one of the best threads ive read on nyspeed for a multitude of reasons

my very small, very old family lives in buffalo, so i dont really feel right about leaving. ive been in almost every “big” city in the country, and stayed in san diego for extended amounts of time. there are other places that i’ve enjoyed, but i still <3 buffalo. maybe just for sentimental reasons though, and once those have moved on, ill move on to.

additionally i feel strongly about the company i work for, and they are based in buffalo, next to ‘the pier’

but i find it hard not to support the hometown

i wonder if there is any correlation between the people who are always bitching about buffalo/wanting to leave town and the people who give up on the bills after one mistake :stuck_out_tongue:

I am just going to continue using this thread for updates and discussion concerning buffalo.

Here is one of the updated project lists:

Based upon the number of projects proposed and under construction, 2006 is shaping up to be a big year for downtown development.

[UC] Cobblestone Lofts- Office Bldg.
[UC] Delaware, 591- Renovation
[UC] Delaware, 599- Renovation
[UC] HealthNow Headquarters
[UC] High Street, 23- Aids Comm. Services
[UC] Swan Bldg., 731 Main Street
[UC] WNY MRI Center- expansion
[PL] Century Centre- Trico Bldg. Reno.
[PL] Court Street Tower
[PL] Courtyard Mall Renovation
[PL] Delaware, 285
[PL] New Era Center- Delaware Ave.
[PL] Seneca Street, 100- Renovation
[PL] Uniland- N. Genesee Block

Total: 1,953,000 sq.ft.

[UC] Bioinformatics Center
[UC] Inner Harbor Excavation
[PL] Auto Museum- Wright Gas Station
[PL] Bass Pro Shop (old Aud)
[PL] Children’s Museum- 173 Elm Street
[PL] City Centre Ramp Expansion
[PL] Donovan Building Parking Ramp
[PL] ECC Classroom Building, Oak Street
[PL] ECC Dorms, Oak Street
[PL] ECC Parking Ramp/Transit Center
[PL] Federal Courthouse
[PL] Roosevelt Historic Site Carr. House
[PL] Seneca Casino

[UC] Buehl Block Bldg. Reno (5 Units)
[UC] Granite Works (29 Units)
[UC] IS Lofts (24 Units)
[UC] Pierce Building, 651-3 Main (4 Units)
[PL] ArtSpace (50 Units)
[PL] Birzon Building (10 Units)
[PL] Brownstone Condos (6 Units)
[PL] Cobblestone Lofts (36 Units)
[PL] ECC Lofts- Ellicott Street (16 Units)
[PL] Elk Terminal- New Lofts (48 Units)
[PL] Ellicott Commons II (36 Units)
[PL] Greystone Hotel (30+ Units)
[PL] Hager Mills Lofts (32 Units)
[PL] Main St, 456- Baker Shoes (12 Units)
[PL] Packard Bldg. (40 Units)
[PL] RiverPlace Homes, Waterft Vill. (12 Units)
[PL] Saturn Rings Bldg. (25 Units)
[PL] Schmidt Lot Condos (36 Units)
[PL] Seneca Paper Lofts (30 Units)
[PL] Waterft Village- Ellicott Dev. (80 Units)
[PL] Webb Building (unknown)
[PL] YWCA North St- Sr. Apts. (65 Units)

Under Construction: 62
Planned: 564

[PL] Bass Pro Complex Hotel
[PL] Corn Exchange— Ramada Plaza
[PL] ECC Boutique Hotel
[PL] Franklin, 204- Boutique Hotel

Credit: Buffalorising.com

bass pro complex hotel? hahaha

Yeah I read the entire thread and I really dont care what he said. I go to Toronto a LOT… and every time is not to sit at home but its to be out so I do have some perspective… certainly more then someone who is just reading off a screen.

Im pretty sure I hang out in different crowds. When I go out its to have fun but my idea of fun is not getting sloppy. I hate dive bars. I hate stank clubs with beer all over the floor. I like to get dressed up and hook up new styles with some funk. Weather its a classy lounge or a bumping club we dress sharp. Diesel, Puma, Versace whatever… just cool shit. Anyway I go to a bar around here with a really hot girl and there is always some stupid shit fuck making dumb comments, trying to be hard, or with just something to prove. They are wither pissed because they are alone or we just look better and get more attention then they do. This happens when Im out with guy friends as well. I can dress just as well or better in Toronto and no one bothers us… There are a lot of haters around here.
For example: Even on this board its so obvious. Some dude have a really $$$$ ride and there are always several people saying Ohhh fuck him, he doesnt deserve that. What the FUCK makes you think you deserve it douche bags. I dont hate on people. Im happy for them. If they have more money or hotter women then thats fine. I dont get jealous or angry. It just gives me something to aspire to.

Part of the reason Toronto is much more appealing for me is that the level of style and general sphistication there is substantially higher. Like I said before you will not see a girl going to the store in sweats or pyjamas. People look good and as a result feel better about themselves. I guess I just fit in much better up there. The fact that I grew up in NYC might have something to do with it.

lol i was in toronto this weekend, the new thing for all of the women there is 80’s style… rainbow spandex, big hair, etc. Pretty funny actually, but i kinda liked it.

Thats the problem with people in Buffalo^^^^^ Don’t like new styles and change. And mock people who dont look like you… Don’t take it the wrong way Tom. I’m just trying to make a point. But thats exactly what your doing. Who cares what people are wearing. Buffalo is so fvcking fake and behind the times.
I agree a 100% with Violator. If I dressed like I do in Toronto around here when I go out, The tool bags who shop at Abercrombie would be starting shit with me because I dont look like them…
Buffalo is so stale it makes me laugh when I go out.

Oh and people have been rocking the 80’s style inn Toronto for the past 3 years now…It’s nothing new… :gotme:

As for the new projects you have posted. It would be really nice to see all of that happen. But this is Buffalo and everyone seems to have a great idea and plan until it comes time to build it… I’m sure more than 90% of those projects fall through or go on the back burner for the next 5 years… Kind of like that Super Bass shop that is going to save the city… LOL*

Wow, whoever got the impression that Toronto doesn’t have TRASH in sweatpants hasn’t ventured off of Young.