Toronto: Capital of Cool?


I can’t imagine why Pittsburgh or Buffalo weren’t mentioned… City Grill Ya’ll

Toronto boasts a population of five million people, 200 ethnic groups and 130 languages. Each year the city absorbs approximately 50,000 immigrants, making it Canada’s largest city and surprisingly one of the most culturally diverse communities in North America.

Although the Toronto skyline is dotted with a dizzying array of towering glass residential developments, it is the renewal of the once dodgy but now trendy West Queen, Ossington and King West neighborhoods that have visitors buzzing about the galleries, custom clothing boutiques, restaurants and specialty stores. As a reference consider these districts to be Toronto’s Brooklyn.

Love IT :gay2:

Toronto really is a pretty kick ass city though. It is a short drive from Buffalo and if you can not find something cool going on 24/7 then you just suck at life entirely.

yeah its a fun city to get lost in no doubt.

its like san fran but full of asian and indian people

How many square miles is toronto compared to any other major city?

ive been meaning to take a weekend trip up there for awhile now…

DEFINITELY an under-utilized and under-appreciated city by many Buffalonians. I’d be willing to bet that a majority of the people that are from Buffalo have never been there, and would be surprised to know it’s less than 2 hours away.

yeah i have always found it wierd that more WNY’ers don’t make the trek… i have no issue border hopping into B’lo.

there was a guy on here, when we were organizing the track days at dunnville, that wouldnt come to Canada because you have ‘no rights’ when you cross the border… forget who that was…

Sorry, I hate Toronto.

Link does not work…you FAIL!

Definitely seems like a cool city. I don’t tend to leave my house though. :run:

Was just up there for a big conference I really like Toronto

i loved toronto the few times I went. Food was great, the culture and diversity was phenomenal. Tons of cool bars and clubs and shit. Great time for sure.

From what I understand, it’s pretty costly to live there, huh?

I would go to Toronto but I can’t take my guns :frowning:

I’m from Buffalo. I’ve been to Toronto a bunch of times. Every time I go, something new scares me into not wanting to go back, or I just feel stressed about the whole thing.

I think that since I grew up in a tiny city, I always feel safe. Toronto makes me feel uneasy and anxious. The countless homeless people, the size, the different road signs, the lack of knowledge on parking… it just makes it stressful. Then there is the border crossing, which just adds to it. The “what if they decide to tear my car apart for no reason?” effect.

My favorite times of going to Toronto (or any major city for that fact) is when I didn’t drive and went with someone who knew the area well. If I had a few friends that wanted to go every week, they drove and I just followed them around… I would go every weekend.

don’t need them up here.

I would live there but I couldn’t take my dog :frowning:

I used to go there a lot when I was a kid but I am over it now. I love THE Tragically Hip but I hate tragically hip people and TO is full of tragically hip people that need to get over themselves. lol
My 2 cents. :slight_smile:

It’s a nice place, clean and urbane. Capital of Cool? Not so much. But definitely some good eats.

Love the city.

I get a bad impression of it from most of my trips there being to/from Pearson airport and the surrounding area. When I’ve gone to party and such I’ve had a great time, but by the airport sucked. Scummy and nobody spoke English, including those in various customer service positions.