Toronto: Capital of Cool?

I would go to Toronto but I can’t take my studded snows.

I would go to Toronto but I can’t bring a bottle of Dan Aykroyd’s skull-shaped vodka

Tacos el Asador on Bloor is all I have to say about Toronto.

Girlfriend lives there. Love it there, just so expensive… Cover for bars is always minimum $10

i would go to toronto but i… oh ya, im not allowed

just stop going to places that have signs that read: douchebags welcome.

toronto is 10 times more affordable than other major cities. its nothing like nyc, or vancouver if youre canadian. however its nowhere near as cheap as montreal.

Toronto has been noted as the worlds most diverse city.

I love this city.

Have been up there twice in the past few years, love it. Craziest night of my life happened there (Going to Zanzibar with a one legged man and a couple cheating on their spouses, don’t ask) lol.

I <3 Toronto.

zanzibar is RUGGED! they have posters on the front of the club featuring girls i went to high school with.

I love going up to Toronto. Last time I was up there for more then just the auto show was when I took my sister up there to go shopping about 4 years ago. The sound of an LS2 reverberating off all the buildings on Younge Street was my favorite part of the trip. Then we ended up on Church Street and all we saw were dudes, dudes together at bars, restaruants, outside patios, then we realized it-somehow we were right in the middle of the gay section of town. Seeing Tiesto spin at The Docks was AWESOME

To me, Toronto is the San Francisco for Canada. Its totally full of queers and homeless people.

so by “sanf francisco of canada” what you really mean is its just like every major metropolitan city???