AAA worth it/legit/not a scam?

I had a good scare last night when my car wouldnt start due to my buddy kicking the fuel cutoff switch at the passenger kick panel. I had no idea who to call. I am going to get me a gold membership. I didnt have to warranty about this when the car was in warranty.

I’ve had AAA for years and I love it. They have gotten me out of many situations involving racing and my car breaking. My wife locking her keys in the car and running out of gas.

Only complaint was one night in Niagara Falls racing, I had to wait 3 hours for a tow. But most of the time they are quick.

They even towed my TA for me when it didn’t have an engine :tup:

My gf has a gold card and it saved me. Car stalled right before the south GI bridge and a tow truck was there within 10 minutes on Easter Sunday. Towed me back to my house in NT.

LOL @ pic. Travis will always be famous for that.
I have AAA Gold too. Well worth the 100 a year. One tow and it pays for itself.

I’ve been getting it for Christmas for as long as I’ve been driving. I almost always use all of my 4 tows. I consider it a waste if I don’t. :mamoru: I’ve even got away with more a few times- I guess they don’t do a good job of keeping track. If I don’t use them for my own cars or towing freshly-registered projects cars home, I use them for friends that don’t have it. Ran out of gas once on the thruway outside Fredonia once many years ago, and saved myself the $56 it would have cost to get that 3 gallons of $1.85 gas delivered.

screw AAA, most insurance companies charge a couple $$ extra for towing on your policy which is a much better deal.

call your insurance company first.

It depends if you drive a pile or not. The last time one of my vehicles couldn’t get me home was about 6 or 7 years ago when I sheared that ball joint off the Fiero hitting the ramp at the ECC-S autocross. So it certainly wouldn’t be worth it to be paying $50-100/year for me.

It’s absolutely worth it. Esp if you have a pile/project car.

I always use all of mine… usually cuz friends steal a few with their pile’s… its really nice to have.

I loved my AAA, there when I need em, although the Oct storm was 4 hour wait. Its a discount at Dunkin Donuts and lots of hotels and places I go. I can go in to AAA anywhere and get free maps and stuff. But I canceled it cause I went from a POS car to a brand new car and I bought a house, so I don’t travel as much.

Never had to use a bail bond or anything. I like AAA better then what my insurance company offers because of the added discounts that I always get.

For you guys who are getting project cars towed with no engines etc - what are you telling AAA when you call? You just lie and say it wont start or something?

Insurance towing option sucks. They would only tow to the closest dealership of my car or any place else of equal distance. I had to fight with them and prove that towing me home was actually less miles and they should reimburse me.

it depends on the company… read the terms.

Tell them your steering stopped working or that you’re brakes went out. If you tell them it won’t start, they might just send someone to jump it. Then the guy will get pissed that he has to go back to the shop for his towing truck.

Yes, you have to lie. Remeber, when you do this, you have to tip the driver well since he is covering for you as well.

Tell them your timing belt broke.


AAA+ RV ftw used it on my gtp form NYI probably 6 times. Ya Just say the steering broke or something to they send a flatbed. I tip the guy like $20 they drop the cars off right into my garage. Used it on a few other cars I worked on too.

side note, if your a member for 50yrs you get free lifetime membership. my great aunt has one, lol

My dad and I have the same name, so I kind of piggy back on his 20 year membership - they do everything over and above what I need, haven’t cost me a penny out of pocket yet for any of the tows, just the membership fees and that. Well worth it imo.

HAHAHA! I saw that they offer two tow truck extraction with the gold membership, it did cross my mind what they would say if I would have had it then.

seems like the regular one is a waste becuase it only has 3 mile tow limit, something I will def look into soon though. As Ill be driving my 97 civic instead of my 01 accord, lol.

Thanks for all the responses…

i had gold, then got a letter to upgrade to platinum for i think it was $11.

bumped my towing up to 500 miles :cool:

if i’m in buffalo for a visit and my car breaks down, i’ll just have it towed back to philly and ride along with the guy lol

My friends have used the tows…I think I have used it a few times too, however recently I got 8% off my $100 a month bill from AT&T so that is 12 x $8 off by paying a $80 membership. It finally is paying for itself.


That a standard discount AT&T gives to all AAA members, or something special you did through a corporate account?

EDIT: Nevermind, looks like AT&T excludes the iPhone plans. Fuckers.

i have AAA gold, i havent had the chance to use it, but ive used it for friends who are retarded and leave their keys in the ignition and then lock the doors cough scspeed cough

it worked becuase we have the same exact car just different colors,
they got there pretty fast as well