??? about FMIC

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:23,topic:39539"”]

ummm, okay :bloated:

i sincerely take gary’s knowledge willingly and seriously, (because he obviously has a lot of experience in the field), and i can learn a lot from him.

in regards to the statement quoted, generally speaking, until someone on this board comes up with higher powered combo with the matching efficiency as i have and tell me im wrong, i would hardly say i was schooled :wink: that statement was not directed towards gary. im sure he could come up with just as good if not better combo than myself given the same spectrum; i was just responding to the input above.

i know this probably sounds arrogant, but it is what it is


I’m lost, I really was just implying that you schooled the ricer.

Arrogant as it seemed, I know where that could of been a misunderstanding. I retract my previous inquire, and that to be directed towards myself.

I’m probably firing on 7 cylinders anyways. It’s an lt1 thing.