hey as most of you all know i have a hicas car, which has abs… i was wondering if i were to switch over to z brakes all around how would i do that when i have abs? is there a something diffrent i have to do? Please dont flame me… Do not comment if you have no idea what your talkin about. I would like someones input on this


First of all. Fix your sig. Annoying. Second of all, I do not know you have a hicas car with abs. Either way having hicas and/or having abs has nothing to do with eachother.

Yet, to answer your question;

You would do the swap as if you did not have abs. You do not touch anything.

isnt there an abs unit in the engine bay though? sorry kind of new to these forums forgive me

The pump? You don’t move that, touch it, or even really have to look at it lol.

thanks for the help.

remove it, ABS is poo; especially the old s13 abs
but like chris said you dont have to

well it is EXTRA weight… is it fairly simple to do?

not so much i wish i had my abs back cause when i did the zbrake sway i had to change my hubs to non abs ones and i have to be very careful when braking to aviod lockup. i’ve now gotten used to it but it still locks up on occasion and is a lil unnerving driving without abs cause those zbrakes are very powerful and seeing that u name is “jdmnoob” u should leave ur abs workin till u have more experience.

and u could keep abs on for the streets and disable it for the track just pull the fuse

jdmnoob - abs in essence is only the extra weight of the pump. I had mine out recently. 10 pounds if that. To me, and probably to many others, it’s worth the 10 pounds.

Braganzaaaaaa - Have you done the entire Z32 swap? BMC, F&R? I have TRIED to lock my brakes up. Never happens on dry pavement (good tires play a HUGE role here) In the rain the abs is adequate. Snow, I have no idea. The car never will again either.

Is it worth it for the BBK? Depends on what your doing really. For me, the cd/s rotors with good metallic pads and fresh calipers worked amazing. Then I contemplated a larger/heavier motor. Also, just being the safety freak I am. Brakes are the most important part of any car. So I just said fuck it. I did it. I like it. Nothing crazy, but it is way better then s13.

Disabling abs is stupid. It’s either you have it or you don’t. Don’t like abs? Leave the fuse in and pump yourself. You’ll soon find that even first gen 3 wheel abs stops you quicker and lets you have more control than not having it.

Then again, an experienced driver can do either or.

All comes down to personal preference.

Sorry for the long post, I’m bad for this.

^^ no i just have the calipers installed with track pads in em stock 240 bmc and oem 300zx lines in the front only, but from what ur saying i’m thinking i might b have some sort of issue. cause they lock up quite easy

your brake bias is messed.