Acura Mechanic?

Hey this is my first post!
I have a 2003 Acura CL-S and I am in need of a good mechanic. Just looking to resurface some rotors, replace some brake pads, and throw on some Mugen cooling mods (thermostat & fan switch). Any guidance will be most appreciated…Thanks!!

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Welcome. I know bad mechanics.

welcome. stuff you are looking to do is pretty straightforward. i would suggest new rotors though my experience is they will warp faster once cut.

is it a 6spd CL-S?

6spd for sure!! And since I don’t know any mechanics and these upgrades are pretty straightforward maybe a bad mechanic would do…

if a bad mechanic would do, just try it yourself.

Great advice blaze00, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that myself…Thanks!

can i have it?

6Spd CL-S’s are sweet. Welcome.

i cut rotors because it pays better than replacing them

The idea behind this forum is for you to make a thread introducing yourself.

The idea behind introducing yourself is for you to let us know pertinent details about yourself. Some of the details would be where you’re from, what you drive, the mods it has, what you’re into, what you’ve done before, what you plan to do in the future (car wise, we don’t want to know that you’re going to finish your Doritos then jerk off to midget porn.).

Pics of car/your girlfriend/sister/sister’s girlfriends are all welcome.

“Hi my name is Cockspear Q. Nibblescrote and Im new so I thought I would make a thread” is really fucking pointless.


mmm doritos!!!

mmmm Midget pr0n…well, not really mmm. More like ewww.

Anyway, welcome.