The problem with your “opinions” is usually they’re ass backwards and you shoot from the hip.

I never say this about people, because it’s a horrible thing to say… But you’re the type of person who needs to have a life changing event (for the worse) to recognize how foolish your views on things are… Again, get off your horse and stop acting like you’re above us. You’re not.

And you know what, I’d love to see you last a day in my shoes… Maybe people like me (who use wheelchairs) use that as an excuse to get drugs and other medications… right??? Am I using my condition as a crutch???

Your biggest problem is you have tunnel vision and don’t think before you speak.

Sorry again, OP and Offroad… I just can’t stand to listen to this kid spew out his “opinions” on topics he never has had real life experience with, only what’s hes read.

I’m peoples biggest cheerleader for making decisions to better their lives. I’m glad to see you guys are handling your business for you and your families.