What Benny means is that although Doctor’s do look out for the best interest of their patients (mostly), they are also swayed by drug companies that pay them to prescribe their product. So, unfortunately, most doctor’s are in fact “pushing” the drug on you.

Not what I meant. What I mean is, there is no ‘right answer’ to anything science related period. It’s just an educated guess with what you have at the time. Same goes for medicine, practices and theories on how to treat…anything…changes constantly. I listen to my doctor, but that’s not my point. My problem in this case is how easily they give these relatively powerful stimulants out, and to kids nonetheless. It all just seems really dangerous to me.

its not just getting distracted easily. theres more to it

True, but not when it comes to narcotics. Doctors are very hesitant to prescribe narcotics to patients outside of a hospital.

I do agree with you here, When my sister hot here wisdom teeth pulled they prescribed her 14 days of hydro 2IX. However, a doctor has a no way of knowing if someone is faking a pain or symptom to their defense.

i like drugs


my doc prescribes them to me . even narcotics

I’ve heard of kids as young as 12-13 years old getting prescribed xanax and other anti-depressants. WHAT THE FUCK.

If it’s your first time talking with your doctor about something, then you’re not going to be prescribed anything that has the potential for abuse (ie: adderall, xanax, etc). The only thing you’ll be written for on the spot are things like SSRI’s and other meds that take weeks or months to even begin working.

A lot of doctors send their patients to GP’s or Psychiatrists in order to even be prescribed certain drugs in the first place.

Xanax is an anti-anxiety drug, not an anti-depressant. Where did you hear that from? That’s insane for any doctor or GP to prescribe something powerful like xanax, especially off-label, to a young kid.


First time I had oxycodone I was 16, and I sprained my neck pretty bad.

Oxycodone is probably the most addicting “drug” ive ever used. For 2 weeks I took it without even needing it, till i realized what I was doing and stopped.

I probably wouldent take oxy again because of it.

  1. Fly to Broward County, FL with an MRI
  2. Go into “clinic” with cash
  3. ???
  4. And then you were fence

Obviously you won’t get salvia, but probably oxycontin.


I believe oxycodone and oxycontin are the same and both are forms of synthetic heroin. Extremely addicting.

Yes they are, and yes it is. Although IDK about the synthetic heroin part.

Well I guess since heroin is semi-synthetic as well… they are just very similar in chemical structure. Methadone is considered most like heroin, but to be on methadone you have to be pretty ef’d up

The first time with your doctor idea is bullshit, go to any convenient care location and they will prescribe almost anything, regardless of how many times you have or have not seen that doctor.

That’s a neck injury, not a psychological problem. Two completely different things. And you weren’t prescribed pain killers in the long term, no?

I was 16, I pulled a muscle in my neck. Not something you usualy get OXy for. None the less when your 16, and I’ve had it prescribed two other times.

If it’s your first time talking with your doctor about something, then you’re not going to be prescribed anything that has the potential for abus

Pretty sure oxycodone has a potential for abuse, probably more so than any anti-depressent, attention deficit medication.

Okay, but read the thread title because that’s what I was referring to with my statement :wink:

not really , i was on it twice it,s also used to help with pain , or its main thing is to ease heroin withdrawl