Im 95% sure i have ADD, the inattentive type. Ive never been officially diagnosed and have never been on medication for it. People told me i should be, but I couldnt be bothered now, plus when I was little they didnt do that type of thing. I basically just had to learn how to deal with it and work around it and develop strategies that work for me. School was quite tough because of it, plus the fact that im an auditory learning type didnt help me much either.

my dad’s a SERIOUS hypochondriack. he always thinks he has something he doesnt and loves to get medicated and take pills. i need to like, make sugar pills and give em to my mom so she can tell him its a medication for whatever he thinks he has just to keep him calm.

you know i love you, but you’re an idiot :rofl

im thinking its genetic, but not a dominant trait

I just don’t understand how people can have “opinions” on medical conditions with no medical knowledge :lol. u guyths are silly

I really don’t think I have ADD. I have retarded anxiety though (runs in the fam), and that has the same symptoms of add/adhd, but with added worry for NO reason.


well, i said im 95% sure, ive taken plenty of psych and abnormal psych classes, im a bio major and ive talked to several professors. so its not officially diagnosed, but im 95% sure i have the inattentive type of add. no hyperactivity portion though, even though there are times where it seems like i might have it, its just not consistent enough. and im not going to bother to waste time and lots of money to get this figured out, i just work around it like i have been all my life.

Waste time and money? Pay your co-pay, trumpet your add story to your doctor, and thunder down some pills. Problem solved.

haha, nah. i have enough to take already. plus i dont need those pills to sell or whatever.

Sell them to your SOUL.

I’ve known about the 20 math assignments I’ve had to do since the first day of the semester. They’re due tomorrow. I haven’t done one. I’ve been “trying” to start doing them since 7:15. I haven’t even opened a book. It’s been like this my entire life.

I’m okay with it. I’m not going on drugs.

I know how you guys feel though.

:insert “cool story, bro” picture

yea, same here. in college in orgo chem 1 and 2 i left all my lab writeups till the last catch up and did em all in 3-4 hours. i always crammed for each test and exam. i cant do it any other way.

I’ve been on several of the ADD/ADHD meds on the market. They diagnosed me with ADD in first grade after I pretty much failed at life in kindergarten to the point they thought I might be retarded, started to in first grade, they gave me an IQ test, I tested higher than the teachers. Gave me low-doses of ritalin (methylphenidate), that worked for a while, but only lasts half a school day.

Tried to switch me to Adderall in third grade, I’m really sensitive to amphetamines, so I felt uncomfortable to the point of illness because I was basically tweaking from it. Went back to ritalin for a bit.

Concerta (extended release ritalin) came out, and I was on that from about 4th grade until halfway through 7th grade. This stuff worked great, but it turned me into a zombie if I took it more than a week. Went the last half of 7th grade without meds, felt a lot better not on uppers all the time, but my grades suffered.

Now is the time I suggest running far far away when someone suggests Strattera. It came out when I was in 8th grade, marketed as a non-stimulant ADD/ADHD med. Worked awesome for like a month, then I started wanting to kill myself. Turns out Strattera is an anti-depressant, and “persistant thoughts of suicide” are a side effect experienced by 1% of people using it. TL;DR: went to counseling for depression, stopped taking strattera, felt better, but was still messed up for like a year after. Some depression still remains, but its not too bad. Anti-depressants are NOT fun, and I’d honestly deal with depression than have my mind fucked with like that again.

In highschool, I got a script of ritalin to take when I needed it (tests, projects, etc) without becoming a zombie for taking it continuously, and its out of my system in 5 hours. Also tried various other ones, adderall/XR again (still really sensitive to it), vyvanse (which I actually like).

I agree with Shady

You guys sound worse than potheads. Instead of your peers forcing drugs on you, a Doctor does, and of course you should listen to everything they say. They’ve never been wrong…unless you consider that every ‘hard’ drug was created by a very intelligent person (Dr/Sci) for a very specific reason, which at the time was to ‘help symptoms’ not turn you into a junkie.

Legal junkies ITT.

im just thinkin the world is better off with me NOT on stimulants

I think everyone is missing something here. A dude SHAT HIMSELF.


So you mean ADHD, this is not a genetic linked but is more of a brain defect. I’ve been told by docs and pharmacists that its due to brain chemicals (mostly dopamine) not being able to bond correctly, thus resulting in a lack of stimulation to the part of your brain that allows to focus. Nobody will really know until advanced brain imaging becomes more advanced. VOT It sounds like you just get distracted easily, not that you have ADHD. I’m currently working on getting a prescription for some sort of amphetamine like adderall or vyvance.

Id rather get a drug recommendation from a doctor than from a drug dealer. Yeah doctors are wrong sometimes, their not gods. You do realize that for every person that a doctor kills by malpractice, he saves thousands that would die if they never got their condition looked at. Everyone would die of strep throat if they never listened to a doctor. You really shouldnt portray a false message here.