but thats the thing, I am completely mellow at work and just more energetic at home. Which is exactly opposite of what it has been. normally I am bouncing off walls at work and then crash as soon as I got home.

Quit wasting your energy posting in this thread and help me move into my new apartment asswipe.

hell no, i actual have energy and I am working on this f’ing bathroom so I can finish it and start working on my trailer.

I find myself more energetic when I don’t have anything to do, but if I have to do schoolwork or something like that I am completely calm and mellow like you mentioned.

Ah, the power of drugs. Do you get the generics? Gotta love paying $10 for 60 of those babies :slight_smile:

yea, mine was $10 for a full month supply. (so 30 or so tablets)

woo drugs


Do some drugs! Change that :facepalm to a :slight_smile:

Assuming you need them, of course. :wink:

My GP wanted me to try this medication in addition to Adderall in order to help ease the ‘elevated anxiety’ that comes along with using a stimulant.

Fuck that. I took half a 50mg pill for a week and felt WORSE than when I didn’t take it. I also had a pretty hardcore ‘panic attack’ on either the 2nd or 3rd day of using the Zoloft medication.

I wasn’t sure what it was, and thought I was definitely having a heart attack (crushing chest pain that radiated to my left arm and upper back, couldn’t breathe, everything turned white). The last thing I remember is walking around my grandparents house, freaking out, and saying “oh my god I am having a heart attack.” Pure paranoia at it’s worst. I was alone, so I bet that made it even worse than it should have been.

Take it as you will, but your body does some interesting things when you have it confirmed in your head that you’re going to die. Needless to say, I now view several aspects of life much differently after that happened.

I’ve decided to never place another “anti anxiety” SSRI med into my mouth, or really anything other than the Adderall while I’m in school. I don’t want to die, or even think about such a thing, at 21 years of age. It’s much easier to take a few deep breaths when you’re feeling nervous, than to pop a pill and pray for the best.

Lesson learned. :popc: Prescription or not, there are better and healthier ways to deal with stress.

not this stuff again

Fuck off. It makes me feel better to write about it.

Oh, and by better and healthier ways to deal with life’s downfalls, I meant drinking and smoking weed and doing crystal meth. :wink:


I have checked into potential disorders that fit my issues that I have carried for years. It looks like the best fit would be Adult ADD. I didn’t finish high school because I couldn’t focus. I cannot save money, I always find something else that I have to have. I obsess over things to stay focused but it doesn’t help. I would go to the doctor but something else always magically seems more important every time I make an appointment.



I think that ADD/ADHD are very real, I just think its brought on with how people are raised and what their lifestyles are. Not so much being born with it.

I personally think having to take medication for it is a bunch of BS but hey I’m not an expert so its only my opinion.

Chris, i honestly think ur a hyopkondriak



Who has any addies for sale? I have a shitload of hw and two tests coming up. :rofl