January 22, 2011, 8:02pm
In college I was diagnosed with ADD which honestly really suprised me. I thought it was a lot worse of a thing then the basic feelings that you have. I thought I too was just lazy and would rather do fun things because I couls sit down in front of a tv and play video games for hours but I just wanted nothing to do with home work.
The doctors put me on aderol and I became a working machine. I could hammer out an entire weeks worth of homework and shit in a sunday but I really didn’t like the way i felt on aderol. Best explanation is I felt grey, no highs no lows just like robot feelings so I stopped taking it and went back to my normal ways and that pretty much why I never graduated college. Cause I hated doing home work and even more hated sitting through a 3 hour lecture. I would get so incredibly bored.
Even today I have noticed that I do the same as you at work alot but once I get into working or get some caffine I can chug through things and get them donereal quick. I also notice because I am constantly doing something if i get a time where I have no car work to do or nothing to look up and buy hobby wise I go crazy .
whoa this is me Xbillion
i’ve never tried any drugs, maybe i should :lol
i had horrible grades through highschool because i didnt even do 1% of the homework and only skimmed by the years getting A’s on exams thru last minute studying or cheating