**added original for comparison.
Any updates on the hot rod?
I believe it fits the SIG specs too… so you better update it.

Same goes for you too Xander…




Too bad that’s a 240 with the girls next too it… n00b

:rofl: omg jack u have WAY too much time on your hands! bahahaha

oh and to answer your question, decided to make a few changes so it’ll be ready for next season :wink:


make it into a gif and give it a clear background noob !

Jack needs more work to do. or something.

I think we all do.

BWAHAHAHA…that’s pretty kool

lol, Jack needs a harder job

very true. I’ll start looking right now :slight_smile:

lol… so what your telling me is girls flock to 240s instead of RX7s?

well yea, why do you think i own both


Bigger snail huh

No shit, Jack must have the best job ever… Paid to post on NYSpeed. More power to him even though he is slow and gayer than Richard Simmons…

RS is very gay … but that dude is zippy … ive never seen the guy move slow

that pic is the best thing since individually wrapped sliced cheese



I bring joy and fear to the hearts of NYSPEED… thats my job. I program on the side to pay the bills.