adding cruise control

Word. I love it. Read up on the Foci forums Paul

I haven’t used cc in 3 years. Fuck that shit.

Fuck you and fuck yo face!

anytime hunny

lucky for you PJB… it is very simple since the car isnt DBW (I had the same car)

Ford part # 5s4z-9a818-aaa comes with everything

Fun to hit “resume” in school zones.

Thanks. Was it an easy installation?

mine came with it… but i found some info when I looked up how to use it hahahah

oh, ok.
It says that a dealer install is recommended and its $465.

I searched it and found it for under 400. You probably get the module, a cable for it… stuff like that. Can’t be too awfully hard.

wouldnt be surprised if they said that filling the windshield fluid would be dealer install recommended


Cable-driven throttle cruise controls suck. If he has drive by wire, it will work like factory and have no issues…