Addition rooms to the house cost

I’m thinking about getting 2 additional rooms attached to my current house which is in North Tonawanda near Ellicotte Creek area. Wondering if anyone on here did this before and know any contractors in the area. Also what’s the current cost PSQ? Thanks in advance.


I am a general contractor who has done work in your area, as well as others. I would be happy to discuss any questions you may have. Please PM me. Thanks.

^^ Or that guy, lol.

You can black list me if you lose.

Why don’t you and me race…If I win you cut me a deal :wink: If you win…name your price? Deal? LOL

I am on the internet right now looking for a third turbo to add somewhere on my motor. With your proposal, sounds like a wise investment.

NOS will do the job for far less than a 3rd turbo :slight_smile: Are you free tomorrow? I want you to take a look at my place and then you can give me a rough estimate. I’m still on the fence about this and if the cost is not what want, then selling the house and get another one is better alternative.

Unfortunatly going to Thunderdome tomorrow to work out a couple issues so I’m assured I can spank ONYX (and Jack) next week. PM me your e-mail, I’ll send you my web address and we can look at scheduling an appointment. Thanks.

One of my wheel that i sent out to get a bent fixed hasn’t done yet or else I would check out Thunderdome tomorrow. Haven’t been to one for a long time.

Races for home improvements :tup:

You should probably do a little homework on zphatz’s car before you make that bet…

LOL ^ i second that ^

pm’d ya

Thanks guys! I will contact you guys soon. Been very busy with work like 7 days a week and 11 hours a day :frowning: