Adult league soccer?

I could always use guys for my teams. Play Tuesday, Weds, Thurs and Friday. Anyone good?

NYS team! i played travel for many years. Then went to college and got fat. Would like to play again also

I don’t think we’d get enough people =(

I could do this, doesn’t have to me super competitive just fucking around would be fun.

I used to be good, played for Buffalo United and St. Joe’s Varsity when we were undefeated, but that was 7 years ago. I’d have to get back into soccer shape, work on touches etc. Depends how good you guys are, I don’t want to weigh a team down.

x2, except I’m not fat

I actually went and kicked the ball around with the woman last weekend, she used to play for St.John Fisher when she was in school. Is there enough interest on here to get something together? I wouldn’t mind traveling 15-20 mins away, Sportsplex is 10ish mins from me, Monday and Wednesday evenings I still have Karate so no go for me on those nights.

I’ll go 15-20 min as well, I’d be willing to meet up and kick around

Im in. I played GK for buffalo niagara back in the day. 472-2488

Id be down to play anytime to.Maybe set something up at sportsplex if theres enough people? I used to play for a good BDSL team


I am looking for a soccer team too, something in the city would be preferable

Would like to find something to get me started again on Wednesdays.

BUT I LEFT A PHONE NUMBER PUSSBALLL!!! Either way I cleaned it up :slight_smile:

Flattery’s in West Seneca has co-ed sand soccer leagues starting this coming Sunday. It’s different but still fun.

Ahh i missed that!

Played for Iroquois and Buffalo Niagara then started all four years at St. John Fisher. I think I have a connection to all of you. We played St. Joes every year. Always the best game.

I love how this thead is 2 years old but is just now kicking up lol

Delaware Park this weekend for NYSpeed try outs! haha.

Have a couple good friends that played for Iroquois.
I played for Joes, and you guys were always really solid.
I’m playing in the flattery’s league for fun but would love to play something more competitive.

Qualifications provided upon request.

Seriously someone pick a time and place I’ll show up

There was pickup Mondays at Sahlens, maybe try to gather there and play against those players? Delaware park has a bunch of people that play regularly on the weekends if you aren’t looking for a league.

Interested if a NYS team starts up.

What team are you on?