Advanced Paintjob that Changes Colour at the Touch of a Button

Repost? dont care…

how would this work? What car is all metal? or are they going to have to make bumpers,mirrors, and moldings all out of metal for this?


how would this work? What car is all metal? or are they going to have to make bumpers,mirrors, and moldings all out of metal for this?


reading > not reading

“The technology works by running a current through a special polymer applied to the vehicle before painting”

Hell if I know. I just thought it was neat

I looks pretty cool, Cops radio in a red car then it turns black


reading > not reading

“The technology works by running a current through a special polymer applied to the vehicle before painting”


ahh i just read this part

“Cars, being rather conductive metal objects”

general motors rep mentioned something a few years ago about cars actually having the abilty to “morph” in sense. Different body panels could be changed and molded just from the introduction of a current.

interesting. ili.

sweet dilly :tup: thats cool shit.

There is already “smart” materials such as memory metal, and self healing paints out. They are cool. Passing a current threw things to change color, shape, density, is not new, but the ability to have non-conductive objects become conductive is where the problems occur. Smart concrete has added carbon to allow it to conduct small amounts of electricity, which can be calibrated to a sensor to allow one to see real time stress measures.

Self healing paint is pretty kick ass…over a few days a scratch will heal itself!!

I just want a car that changes color with temp, not my desire.


I just want a car that changes color with temp, not my desire.






want to paint my SHO?

Can you afford that stuff?

man I should have patented this when I though of it when I was like 10 years old.