Advice on some KSports........

My life is perfectly happy, I’m about to jump in the shower, grab some lunch in a local restaurant, and then go get my dick sucked by a hot korean girl.
The problem is, before I do that, I like to check SON, and I have to put up with you polluting my day. You are the weed in my perfect garden that just won’t die. I suppose you should feel flattered, because you’re damn near the only thing that pisses me off.

But just for amusement sakes, why don’t you skip to the question I asked before I put you in your place? How DO you determine what stiffness you should go with? Because you see, I had a reason behind asking you that. I happen to know, that YOU don’t know. You either copy someone else’s settings, or you copy the setting from one of these coilovers that you look down on.
So let’s see it. Will you steal a set of calculations from somewhere, so that I can ask you about details of the equation and show that you don’t understand it, or just admit you’re a fraud right off the bat and save us all some time?

Keep it up :slight_smile: You can keep ranting about how awesome you are, but I still guarantee you my coilover kit I had put together runs better than your KWs or JICs :slight_smile: I know I know, I have to prove myself as usual to the awesomeness of you. I’m sure you’ve dazzled everyone with your awesome english teaching aerospace engineering skills.
why dont you 2 fucking fairies get a fucking room and get it over with

to the original poster any brand new coilover under $1000 I would stay away from if you want to run your car at the track with good laptimes

The cheapest entry coilover you can get that is decent is Megan.

Lots of ppl flame on the coils, but lots of ppl on this forum can atest to how good they are. Cheap to rebuild, don’t really break and soft ride on street. Yeah they have some gay 36 way adjustability which sucks balls and doesn’t really work the way you want. But they go low and high, and are decent on track. So if you just gonna fool around on track and nothing seirous, then thats the coilover for you.

If you are more track minded, then i woudl say Stance or HSD. They can be had 200-300 more then megans.

In either case, these three brands are nice. Everything else, like Tein, JIC etc dont’ really have any actually distributors here, so if you break shit or buy used shit, its not the same piece of mind. But if you don’t care about that or won’t be beating on your coils, then these types of companies are a good option also.

95% of the guys i’ve met and tracked with , have either Megans, Stance, or HSD’s.

I’m not going to stop, because I’m trying to prove a point here. Ahmed doesn’t know anything, he just repeats things he hears from others, and wants people to think that he’s knowledgeable. In reality, he knows nothing, he’s done nothing with his car, he just likes to talk shit.
Also, the things that he likes to do and talk about, have little to no effect on his actual lap times, and they’re things that only people with a car that’s already perfectly set up should be doing to get those last few tenths of a second from their lap time. The reason why he does this, is so people THINK he’s hardcore, baller, etc… He talks about getting a manual rack, datalogging, all this shit that will do nothing on his POS car. He lacks many basic necessary things, but he doesn’t care, because he can’t impress someone with getting normal, important things, because everyone has them.

I could write a full fucking paper on why datalogging won’t do shit for Ahmed’s laptimes, but he’ll ignore it and just post retarded shit again, so why bother? His only goal in life is to get as many n00bs on his nuts as he can so he can feel like a big man. And I say n00bs, because anyone that knows anything about cars knows that he’s just talking shit.

anything inverted monotube works for me, i tend to do alot of off-roading unintentionally.

He does have a point tho his set up is better than any japanese coilovers…the shock dyno tests speak for themselves…other than that i dunno

I’m not going to start nut-slinging with either of you about this, but honestly who cares.

I’m sure that the people who have had it out with Ahmed on the forum probably share the same view as you do…and in that case, you don’t need to prove your point, it’s already out there.

For the rest of us that don’t actually care how modded or unmodded that his car is, the shit just kills decent threads.

Half of the people on here have shitty cars…It’s good to see that some of them are putting in work because they are car enthusiasts, and eventually will have better cars. Sometimes people have to mess with shitty cars in order to learn how to do things before moving on to better cars.

If everyone with a rusted chassis or cheap parts got bitched out on the forum, the only people left would be those that don’t have enough time to browse the forums because they’re too busy making money and building their cars.

I don’t have a real opinion of you or Ahmed, since I’ve never met either of you in person, or really dealt with you directly before.

You both seem like reasonable guys until you get into the same thread, and you both turn into retards. You start bashing him and Ahmed starts posting stupid shit.

Since this is the internet, you guys won’t ever resolve whatever issue that you have with each other, so eventually you’ll have to deal with being on the same forum.

I don’t really care what issue that you guys have, I just don’t see the point of killing threads to argue over stupid shit that really doesn’t matter, since you guys will probably never even meet.

Like I said, you seem like a reasonable guy, and you’re obviously a smart/successful guy, there’s no need to waste your time and our time with this shit.

On an unrelated sidenote, I jinxed myself hardcore. Bitch was on her rag today, so head was all I got, and she wasn’t that good at it either… Was really weaksauce head. This is what I get for arguing with Ahmed before I get laid.

^^ lolz

+1 on HSD’s i have a set with just the summer 09 season on them that i loved and are for sale (car is also for sale, minor part out) 900 bucks firm PM me if your interested.

i like my stance

have had for almost 4 years

Ahmed is a clown
i thought you were down with going to Japan what happened ?
shoulda went there man, much easier…

Haha, it’s definitely not hard here. I just got another girl to come over the next day, took care of that :wink: I’m actually visiting Japan real soon, I’m going to Osaka.

Interesting read which has been echod over and over again about Japanese dampers over the years

Why can’t these threads stay on topic lol.

Invest in some KTS coilovers. Well worth the money and ride like a dream. I’ve had them on my s13 and s14.

^Better choice than megans/ksport/insert random 700-1500 dollar coilover from many people’s reported experiences but supposedly still not that great when on a dyno. SPL parts sells them.

They’re a very good choice, trust me… I’ve heard many horror stories with megans and ksports.

If I wasn’t building my own/built my own setup i would have bought these as they are cheap/as priced as other pick your color coilovers but as mentioned, by all those that ran them they reported positive experiences vs their experiences with megans/ksport/etc… Although those that tried konis, bilsteins, etc… reported these still being overdamped but not as much as some other japanese/chinese offerings. Running them on softer settings and softer springs would be a smart choice.

Only thing is I only know of SPL supplying them… therefore gotta pay customs/shipping. Megans are so cheap now you can buy them for dirt lol.