Aero=Hood Venting/Scoops Theory Application

ok i understand it will cause drag. And i think i understand what u r saying and that does seem right. I also think that sacrificing drag on the top would decrease overall drag in my theory. I do agree that the vents will cause more drag then a stock hood.

Now in question to what u said. If the cold air passing under the car flows faster and faster does it not create a vacuum like effect sucking air from above and out below the car. Plus any pressure in the bay it would help exit out below. Now this would be good for cooling but horrible because it would cause lift especially at high speeds.

Now the slits on the top of the hood that i added would be bent upwards causing drag however creating a vacuum sucking air upwards just as air is sucked under.

Also note that doesn’t drag in specific places also causes negative lift. example “spoilers, lips, splitters, valances” (correct me if i’m wrong)

i totally have no clue what to do now lol