Agenda 21, Cuomo on a fucking roll

Maybe, I’m not really sure. All I know is people will be hard pressed to vote against their meal ticket in the voting booth.

Generosities? Do you mean generalities?

If you in fact mean generosities then you’re right. The liberal willingness to pay a population to be lazy will get us nowhere.

If you mean generalities well then you’re a hypocrite with your “Southern white redneck” comment.

You can’t find a Hollywood action film that doesn’t glorify firearms since that’s what puts asses in the seats. We are a violent people and have been for thousands of years. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but someone with a celebrity status actually has an audience unlike the rest of us. It’s unfortunate that our society puts someone on a pedestal and gives their hypocritical views merit just because they look good in front of a camera.