Agenda 21, Cuomo on a fucking roll

Comments…I for one am speechless.

The article is from September.

Did this get implemented or shut down?

whoops, lol, I need to look at the dates of articles.

Not sure if it was in fact implemented or not. It’s been brought up in recent conversation on NYFA and hence why i posted here to see what others may know about it.

If you look at the bottom of the article you can see a few links of areas that banned the UN’s Agenda 21 such as Westchester County and the State of Alabama so at least some recognize how dangerous it is.

The Socialist rhetoric in the article is pretty extreme and is almost impossible to implement at this point in time without first accomplishing other goals first such as the continued erosion of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The biggest domino they’re currently looking to topple is the attacks on our 2nd Amendment rights. If you want to control a population you must first disarm it and the useful idiots in the mainstream media and Hollywood are blindly pushing this agenda.

this all seems perfectly reasonable to me

This view on things always baffled me.

They already control the population, we voted them in.

They were voted in by the people that receive “free stuff” from the administration and sadly that is a huge percentage of the population.

If that guy had guns… he could just shoot the weights off

My grandpa went to war with the communists over seas…he would shit himself watching the way things are now.

So what you’re seriously telling me is that the majority of the Southern white redneck population with 10 kids in trailer homes on welfare have voted for Obama?

Dumb generosities will get us nowhere.

Same ones as “mainstream media” and “Hollywood” :facepalm

Please tell me the #1 most watched news network, the one person who owns the majority of print media, and the biggest radio company in the US.

While you’re at it, name me Hollywood action flicks that don’t use guns as they are “evil” to make sure “Hollywood” can push it’s “agenda” to get rid of guns.

did he win?

Maybe, I’m not really sure. All I know is people will be hard pressed to vote against their meal ticket in the voting booth.

Generosities? Do you mean generalities?

If you in fact mean generosities then you’re right. The liberal willingness to pay a population to be lazy will get us nowhere.

If you mean generalities well then you’re a hypocrite with your “Southern white redneck” comment.

You can’t find a Hollywood action film that doesn’t glorify firearms since that’s what puts asses in the seats. We are a violent people and have been for thousands of years. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but someone with a celebrity status actually has an audience unlike the rest of us. It’s unfortunate that our society puts someone on a pedestal and gives their hypocritical views merit just because they look good in front of a camera.

You didnt answer my questions about #1 watched news network, who owns the print media and biggest radio company in US.

As far as Hollywood - if guns in action flicks put movies in their seats and so far the blame is that they make them too “trivialized” and “desired” since according to some they are to blame for all these shootings. What exactly is their liberal message exactly in Hollywood?

If it’s the “liberal” way to be “lazy” and get paid for it, then homecome food stamps and unemployment benefits exist under Republican Leadership and in republican states such as Texas or most of the South?

I don’t know.

Do as I say not as I do.

You will always have a percentage of the workforce that is unemployed or disabled. This natural unemployment rate is ideally around 4%. The problem is not the system as people genuinely need the cushion it offers during tough times the problem is the people that become dependent on the system and use it as their only form of income.

This abuse of the system is not a new problem it’s been a problem for decades regardless of what party had control and I imagine it will always have flaws. The problem is this administration has overseen the perpetual bloating of the system. (i.e. millions more on food stamps and extended unemployment benefits).

It’s the perfect way to manufacture votes. You may have a small amount voting for the best available candidate but the vast, vast majority are going to vote for the guy who gives them “free” money.

“Free money” comes in all shapes and sizes.

Look up the lobbying industry and it’s return on the investment.

Has this administration increased the amount of “free handouts”? It sure has.

Do I agree with that move? Not necessarily at all, however to say that it was the only reason people are in power is just silly. Government hands out money left and right to people as well as businesses. Regardless of who wins there is a lot of money promised for special favors and campaign donations. Believe me just about nobody in the South who is on governments tit voted Democrat. “Free money” isn’t a one sided promise. Both sides provide that.

Here is my gripe with the humorous term of “liberal media”
#1 most watched news channel - Fox
#1 biggest radio company in US - Clear Channel owned by - Bain Capital
#1 man to own most print media - Rupert Murdock (also owns fox)

Enough said on that matter.

Either way a lie is easier to believe than the truth. Once the lie ideas is planted in the head it stays there and fights everything that attacks it like a contradicting factual statement. It’s nearly impossible to get rid off regardless of evidence, that’s why media message is so powerful, especially one that doesn’t fact check and spews it’s agenda.

Most recent news I heard - US solar power will never work because we get less sunlight then Germany :rofl

You literally can’t make this shit up. :ponder

^^that’s absurd America was the leader in Solar and other alternative energy sources for quite some time.

can we just have a civil war already? Lets stop beating around the bush

go ahead, you start, best of luck!