Agenda 21, Cuomo on a fucking roll

I don’t know.

Do as I say not as I do.

You will always have a percentage of the workforce that is unemployed or disabled. This natural unemployment rate is ideally around 4%. The problem is not the system as people genuinely need the cushion it offers during tough times the problem is the people that become dependent on the system and use it as their only form of income.

This abuse of the system is not a new problem it’s been a problem for decades regardless of what party had control and I imagine it will always have flaws. The problem is this administration has overseen the perpetual bloating of the system. (i.e. millions more on food stamps and extended unemployment benefits).

It’s the perfect way to manufacture votes. You may have a small amount voting for the best available candidate but the vast, vast majority are going to vote for the guy who gives them “free” money.