Please tell me why I’ve had stomach bleeding and a possible ulcer from taking naproxen AS PRESCRIBED???
Naproxen is a NSAID, same thing as Cellebrex, Aleve, etc.
as prescribed how?Do you only take it when the doctor tells you to? Taking it with food helps prevent it from getting to the lumen of the stomach to avoid irritation. Did you ever read the pamphlet that comes with the script. It clearly states to take with food. While I am on this tangent, don’t crush or break the tablet either, you’ll give yourself ulsers in your esophagus. Not all NSAIDs are harsh on the stomach like i said. And there are ways around that side effect as well, such as taknig them with food.
but others are right, sensitivity to the stomach or improper use or other problems such as stomach problems may only enhance this bleeding that you have going on. Pharmacy is not an exact science it is an art, a balence between having the knowledge of the medicine and its reaction within an individual…
as for my comment about hoping not to come to my pharmacy, there was a lot of talk in this thread about abuse. I do not want to allow this to happen. Written by a doc or not, we have the ability to refuse a script and also have the ability to discuss with the doctor if he really thinks its a good idea in certain situations. Just because it was written, doesn’t mean it will be dispensed, like i said, we are watching- and really its more obvious then you would think. It is more a legal obligation then a moral obligation like a morning after pill would be. We have to protect against abuse. And I will tell you, it does happen.