AHHHHHH.... new car goodness :)

well, I will be hearing today if everything is going to go thru with financing and all that jazz… if so, I’m kissing the Mustang good bye.

the replacement? a low milage 2001 Buick Century :)… no, not gonna be a race car… just a nice comfortable car to drive. I’m sick of the maintence that comes with a higher powered car, not to mention the shitty ride quality of a sports suspension. (not to mention, the car is going to save me roughly 150.00 a month, which is great considering making ends meet these days is getting tighter and tighter)

I do have something else up my sleeve though to feed my adreniline fix :slight_smile: will post details on that later though


pics or ban.

i wonder when i am gonna get out of the game…

i don’t think anyone is ever out of the game so much. maybe just toned down for a few years.

nice DD.

good luck steve, be sad to see (hear) the GT leaving. “that kid’s gotta big block in that stang!” :rofl:

but I think your next toy’s gonna be fun too.

drop that 3.1 and toss in a 3.8SC

Is there room in the trunk for your walker?
Are you sending your grandkids checks for $11 yet?
Time to start buying slacks instead of pants.
Watch the hip while getting in and out of that thing.

Alright…thats enough for now.:wink:
My grandparents used to have a 2000 Century. Very comfy boat like car. I like comfy and boat-like as much as I like supportive and sporty. I hear you on maintaining a pony car. It seems to be never ending.

one time my grandmother sent me a check for addressed to some magazine publisher. i don’t know whether she was buying me a magazine of my choice, or if some mail room clerk at the publisher was confronted by a check marked “For: Happy <3 Birthday, Grandson!”

ahaha nice steve. my neighbors will like u now

I’m surprised they will sell a Buick to someone your age. I thought it was required by law that you had to be 55+.

senior citizen ID card = buick passport.

They have abouncer at the door to toss out the underage “kids”

lol thanks

my only gripe with the car is that it doesnt have leather… and it has bench seating.

anyone know if those cars came with buckets?.. if so, I may have to do a swap (if I can find the parts)

The regal is the counterpart to that car that came with bucket seating and floor style shifter…

All kidding aside, I once tried trading my 99WS6 on a new Chevy Malibu to save $$ in the monthly payment. They wouldn’t give me enough $$ for it so I made a deal on the SS instead.

lol :biglaugh:

well, i guess it will be a comfortable ride for you and your grandparents. kidding. congrats i guess!

Did they throw in an AARP memebership?

do they use the same chasis? (I kind of doubt it :()… wonder how easy/hard it would be to make it work

butch, funny how that works aint it? :lol: I was “this” close to getting into a an 06 Fusion instead (would of been cheeper). only drawback it that it would of been a lease, so I went with the buick

bench seats r better for road dome

hahaha, funny people :smiley:

maybe I’ll rock some old people sunglasses while driving it (ya know, the square joints with the light shields on the sides :smiley:

pick ya up @ 8? lmao

If I could get rid of the GTO, I’d be right with you. Now that I have the bike, I could care less about the car. I could save a ton if I could sell it but that is impossible.