Air Creeper; baller as f*ck

First thing I thought of.
Just imagine hovering over an oil spill.

I bet the diy Hoverboard with a gas powered leaf blower is cheaper.

IT is a great idea. but. too many variables/ limitations.

if they can do that, why aren’t they mass producing hoverboards? i want it.

Do you roll your creeper over drain grates?

back to the future party in the near future?

small round ones ? yes

i doubt he means the full length “ditches” down the middle of a large shop

guys if youre baller enough to buy this than your baller enough to have guys clean you shop so you can use it.

or buy a lift

lol the smartest thing i’ve read all thread



Siqqq burn dude…

ok really, be nice to don, lol

I also doubt a 3" diameter grated hole is going to cause this thing to capsize… maybe if you rolled it over a “full length ditch down the middle of a large shop”