Finally a proper creeper

So, if you’re using scissor jacks and doing something underneath the car, you’re covered!

Sweet, great idea.

It’s for accidents like when Travis’ car fell down(please dont start any drama and im NOT bashing Travis). If you work under your car doing oil changes or whatever, you’re okay if it tips and goes down on top of you.



It’s pretty useless if the side of the car comes down on your pelvis, which is pretty much the main thing that happens in these types of things.

id like mine intact for snu-snu(futurama reference)

looks like a great idea

post of a creeper, by a creeper. awesome


Doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose of a creeper?
Isn’t a creeper supposed to allow you to move easily under a car while laying down…this thing looks like it needs the car to be like 3 or 4 ft. in the air to fit underneath it.

gay in my book.

you wrote a book about being gay? :rofl

That makes no sense at all, you retard.

I’m not the one who’s pushing a honda around like he’s hot shit.

hey…my honda is hot shit! just not on fire yet

It’s ok I guess, better than some wanker eg that’s for sure.

I get very agitated when people don’t know how to properly jack up a car.

UGH me too, I can’t stand watching someone else (like a shop) jack my car up if I’m watching, they NEVER, EVER use the right jack locations.

A shop I went to recently even started jacking my car up from under the fender, which was the last straw.

I should have let him do it.

I basically hate it when people jack a car from the side to do much other then changing a tire.

However, I get REALLY MAD watching people BARLEY jack up a car high enough to do the required work. And then they bitch about not having a lift!!!