Thoughts ??
Watch the demonstration of the van falling.

A guy on a forum that I frequent, Is trying to sell his idea.Thought it was a typical spammer. Until realized he’s been on the forum since 2005 with hundreds of post.

3 Years ago, I have invented a new kind of creeper Bodyguard Creeper by CREEPEX

i have completed the research and dev and made 4 prototypes, 2 here in canada and 2 in china

after invest for patent, prototype and devellopement …the product is 100% completed!

I"ll go right to the point : I need a partner in my buisness cause i d’ont have enought resources to lift off that project alone!

Plan B : sold Patent, the person who will sell my patent or find a contact to buy it will recive 50% of the amount of the sale!

I think there is a huge market for this kind of product for home mechanics!

seems like a good idea. surprised it took someone this long to come up with it

might be a little tall but def like the idea of it. would feel safer sliding under the limos that i work on at times

That under carriage was junk. I’d be afraid of falling debris :bowrofl:

the bad part is that was the clean one.

I think thats a pretty good idea for the at home wrencher.

my thoughts are if you put your safety in the hands of a creeper, you deserve to get crushed. invest in good jack stands and learn how to properly support the car.

Can’t hurt to have an extra safety backup though.

Except that I usually don’t have the vehicle that high for stuff like oil changes. I need the slim version!

I just like the big ass wheels.

I agree, but any extra safety that could be gained is worthwile.

It looks like a decent product, but you can’t always plan on how a vehicle falls. I could see the vehicle falling in the area of your chest. Not sure this will save every life.

if it saves one life it will be worth it.
wonder if it will roll a little in gravel with big wheels on it.

That is true. I do like the big wheels.

the only bitch is how high you have to have the car to get that thing under it, but i like

maybe the wheels will not get caught up on cat litter. seems like a good ideathough ,
One problem i see is that it is 16 inches in the air though, that’s taller then i usually put the car up.

15 inches really isn’t that much when you think about it… I dunno I’d invest in it. Seems like one of those things that could catch fire.

…or fall on its face.

just a suggestion–

ok, so you put your car up on jack stands to do work. assuming you are removing wheels to work-- why no put the wheels under the car so if it were to fall off the stand the wheel acts as a safety net.

if wheels are not comming off the car to do work–like maybe you are doing exhaust work or something-- then leave the jack under the car a little lower than the stand so if the car were to fall off you have a safety catch.

you dont need fancy shit to be protected. you need common sense. as lets face it, you could get jacked up even using this creeper provided you use it improperly.


but if you are in the market a creeper, why not buy one with a little more protection?

I could see that “head rollbar” going right through the floor pan and still getting smashed

i guess my stubborness toward this item stems from the fact that if you are relying on a creeper to keep you safe, then you have no right to be working on the car. people will get dependant on the creeper to keep them safe–which imo is the wrong attitude to have.

instill good work ethic/practices–dont cover up poor ethics w/ the false sense of protection. because if you are that stupid, you will still find a way to get f’d up even w/ this creeper.

They need Billy Maze and an infomercial. Unfortunately he is unavailable for Yelling ER… Comment.