airsoft, and trying out the new cam

It’s gonna suck when that fat kid loses an eye.

hahahaha you should see some of the welts it leaves when people get hit in the face, ill stick to a paintball mask thank you very much! lol

eh, most people that play airsoft only wear glasses like that, they aren’t normal ones, they can withstand up to 500fps, that guy however is a moron

Is there airsoft arenas or do just random people play in yards?

arena’s not so much, they do play on the paintball fields at grc so i’m told

mostly in woods and such…this field one of the guys owns actually

Salute your shorts. (donkey lips)


those glasses do not appear to have sideshields…

hahahaha fucking great! perfect name for him now, if i come across this guy when i am playing, i will probably burst out laughing thinking of donkey lips.

sideshields? none of them have sideshields, they look more like single lens oakleys

personally me i wear a paintball mask when i play, those guys are nuts

Not bad my friend, looks fun for sure. Although the pics might be more exiting if you where to go in close grab torso/head shots, fill the frame with your subject. Also the color looks very bland and flat, it seems as though you needed a stop less of exposure of some color correction in PS, either way good work man :tup:

well i was actually off the field zooming in pretty hard on most of these, I didn’t feel like putting the day old camera in the way of bb’s flying all over lol…that and wearing a mask and trying to take pics is no fun at all

I did not edit these at all, and yea everything was coming out very bland and washed out, i was playing with settings most of the day but just couldn’t get it right

On cam and in ambient light its hard to get thing spot on, that what PP is for LOL :slight_smile:

so maybe it is time to get a decent PP program…i just use gimp when i really have to lol

some pic of my friends playing:
if you go out with them again try and get some from views that you wouldn’t normally see from, it’ll make the picture more interesting.

for those who are intrested

hmmm time to get into this…

was trying to yea, but like i had said, didn’t want to wear mask or put my camera in harms way…so had to keep my distance

36, 8mm grenade rounds to the head would not be cool

those ‘sniper’ rifles look legit.

how does that work? just bigger ammo?


seems more people play this now than paintball. might be something fun to pass the time over the nice weekends and get some exercise

Ya, my buddy has a AUG with a scope and a silencer that shoots smoke(dust that looks like smoke) after every shot pretty neat. I have a G36.

its cheaper then paintball and you get more shots more accuracy, shoot further.