airsoft, and trying out the new cam

just some buddies playing airsoft :slight_smile:

the sun was very bright and washing a lot of things out in a bunch of the pics

That actually does look pretty fun but what hurts more? Paintball or airsoft?

I used to love the rush on a speed ball field when the shots started flying

Pretty sweet guns

well when they are firing at 500fps(some of them) they sting a bit lol…i’d say airsoft probably hurts a little more

speedball was always my thing :slight_smile:

what’s with the scopes lol … do those toys honestly shoot that far?

yes the guy with the sniper rifle was nailing people far away all day long, most of the time they didn’t know where it came from

a couple guys also have over 1K in their guns

how far is “far away”?

I know I stopped in the war store to take a look and there’s some sick looking setups. i couldn’t believe the price tags

yea, they get a little out of hand

guessing, i’d say he was hitting people 75 yards out…maybe more its hard to say, I had my face to the camera most of the day lol

Wow I didnt realize these things could shoot fast enough to play outside.

for sure, its gets pretty crazy in the bigger firefights with grenade launchers going off randomly lol

my mp5 I just sold was more of a closer range gun but you could use it out there easy, something like the c36/m4’s/m16’s are more of a mid range

Sure do. They are much more nasty than most people, including myself at one time, think. Its great man fun.

when i first started playing this after years of paintball, i was suprised at the rate of fire some of these things have, even the gas blowback pistols|65%3A16|39%3A1|240%3A1318

I’ll take two.

no no, this is what you want…|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50

For 10% of the price the SAW would be the right choice. Damn looks like fun.

man i need to get out there and play this year! lol

Nice, me and my buddy bought our airsoft guns last year but never got to use them yet.

They do shoot way further then paintball. I got shot pretty close by my friend it hurt a little bit, looked like i got stung by a bunch of bee’s… we where trying them out and said we would only use them on semi automatic… he apparently got excited and held the trigger a little too long…

My gun shoots 400FPS.

come out and play, they play just about every weekend

i might be out there shit weekend.