Airsoft Hand Gun

Girl friend picked this up for me and wasnt really want I wanted so Im selling it bc Army Navy Store doesnt do returns on Airsoft/Paintball guns… even though this hasnt been used AT ALL new in carrying case

Paid 59.99+4.99 on 1000 plastic bb’s

Will take $50 LMK

takes C02 btw

I am open to offers


Bump for a sick airsoft gun. A friend of mine has that exact one. It hurts like hell to get shot with too!

thanks man!.. Gun is BRAND NEW still in the carrying case it comes with cost 59.99 new ill let it go for 40


I want this. Text my cell if you want to sell :slight_smile:

you have a text sir

" dude look at my gun… oh shit cop hide it!!!"…what a fun night

bump $35

Youre trying to tell me you never, not once, fired that thing?

You have a much stronger will than I if that’s true haha

i shot it once that then realized that its to powerfull(350ft/sec) for what i want… OG bought it to shoot the cat when he gets onthe table and counters so i bought 2 other ones that wont hurt/kill him lol


im serious lol…

btwm to whoever buys this airsoft, i have been shot by one from about 12 ft away and it knicked my finger…it hurts like whoa…shit is fucking powerful and it drew blood for a while