AKU3.3 for XV6700

What is AKU3.3? Well, read this


You must be in Bootloader mode to install or you will brick your phone.

Press the dictation button (notes button), the power button and the reset button at once and you will get a screen that says, “SERIAL 1.00” or something to that effect. Once that is done, you may run the .exe. I have not performed this yet but it has been done many times.

Make sure you are connected via the USB cable and that active sync recognizes your PDA. DO NOT RUN THIS UNDER WINDOWS VISTA, ONLY 2000 or XP.

Read this thread if you have any problems.


I will post when I complete this…

Almost forgot the link for the file…


im not seeing any worthwhile benefits… what am i overlooking?


On program installs you have memory remaing back.
Faster Push
Inbox tools more one-handed operation
Contacts a few new features.
Welcome screen does time and email. (on email it doesnt allow setup due to it running extrom)
No storage card issues at all!
1x icon no longer shows when connected, its displayed above ur signal indicator.
Connections panel has a few more options.
New CommManager
Running programs shortcut on start menu
A2DP Built In.
IE user agent string.
No longer DUN its PAN.

I am almost done with the upgrade, I will let you know when it’s finished.

This will wipe whatever you have saved on your phone, make sure you backup to your SD card… cough cough zwarbyt cough


So far so good, it’s installing all the Verizon stuff… The startup screen went from blue to green when the WM5 splash screen comes up…

hawt keep me updated i might do it now too…

Some stuff is still there, some stuff isn’t. Call logs are all there, my email is all there but my programs are not anymore. So far this looks pretty cool, lots of enhancements.

I added the file link off my ftp site…

process for install? it says my country code is wrong

edit:nvm i got it

The device seems to work better with this new verision of WM5.

hmmm tempting.

Like when naked men bend over in front of you?

What’s a good price to pay for one of these? My E815 is awesome, but nearly dead.

200 new

the 6800 will be out soon and once it is, the 6700 will come down in price…
