Your not getting a full auto weapon legally in NYS.
As for a semi auto, just no felonys or anything like that as you get a back ground checked at the FFL.
If my mind serves me right, you do not need a permit to buy a rifle. Could be wrong, But my buddy has a bunch and I remember him saying this. you just need to keep the ammo seperate from the gun ammo in seating area of car, gun in trunk…
My shooting experience has been limited to Texas. There was federal laws that prevented NEW guns from being imported into the US I thought but to buy a gun such as a MP5 for example can be obtained by going through a dealer, a few days for a background check, and having about $20,000 to spend.
What are you allowed to buy in NY?
When I bought my AK-47 (semi-automatic) it seemed almost too easy. The clerk called in my social security number and 5 minutes later I was walking out with my gun. I think if you dont have any felonies, violent crimes, or drug charges you should be OK to buy any long gun.
Did you just go through a dealer on your own or was there actually a show/store you went to that allowed you to buy it?
You can walk into any store and buy anything that’s not full auto and has a barrel length more than 16", basically. Provided you pass the federal background check. Buying a long gun is super easy
I bought it at the Clarence gun show.
I also think compared to handguns long arms are super easy to get…as it should be. “Long arms aren’t as easy to conceal” is what morons will say. I can do more damage with a shotty than a handgun any day of the week. NY handgun laws are beyond retarded. Also licensed gun owners don’t usually do wild shit with their guns…regulation and restriction of honest/responsible gun owners isn’t the solution.
That said…OP did you make it out there yet?
got there last sat for about an hour or so and had to leave bc i broke my extractor. will be going back tomorrow with the AR and Mossy for round 2. and finally zeroing in my scope
NY does not allow any NFA items these include but are not limited to:
Full auto
SBR- short barreled rifle
SBS-Short barreled shotgun
In free states, you can purchase pre-ban full auto firearms (those are the big money you speak of) it like the others above just requires you to pay a fee and then do the paper work.
Due to NYS not allowing any of the above there is no registration of long guns in upstate. NYC has some really fucked up laws even on long guns.
Pistols in NYS require a permit and registration.
Long guns in NY just require a NICS quick back ground check, if you pass you can take it home.
This. NYS sucks and it’s all of your responsibility as citizens to fight for your freedom. These laws only prevent criminals from having the banned weapons.
That is waht I was looking for. Thank you.
Anybody going to the Swamps this weekend? Im thinking about taking my new rifle up and siting it in. How long of a distance can you shoot there?
I think 130 yards is the longest.
Be careful. I’m not sure if it’s still hunting season, but if it is, there will be guys everywhere, including behind the berms
ya I’m waiting til the 21st
Yea its muzzle loader season. I’ll just wait it out then. I’m going to site in my .308 so I should probably wait then.
Went today with 2 friends. One brought a shotgun, and I had my mosin and enfield.
Got there around noon after getting lost somewhat (not knowing exactly where the actual berms were, etc). But we found it. Waited for a guy to finish up a few shots, 20 minutes later we had a berm to our selves. We were there for probably 2 hours. Will definitely be going back. It was actually a pretty nice day out. There were quite a few trucks on the sides of the roads, however we never heard any other fire other than the guy on the berm next to us.
bumping this for some decent weather, will be heading out there tomorrow around noon. hopefully clean it up a little too. if anyone is on nyfirearms there is a meet there for next Sat to clean and shoot
^ I may be down for that… I have been meaning to take a ride out there.