Alberta Sentra Meet 2010

I’ve sent them all PM’s on facebook. Also we can decide if Twall and Vanspec will be included in this meet.

Checking in

Bout Time!!!

Oh Geez! I don’t check in for a bit and you get your knickers in a twist! :stuck_out_tongue:

Obviously I’m here!

Good. So can we get down to bidness now?

Sorry if this has already been asked, but when is this meet tentatively set for?

I was guessing Late July or Aug. Not sure. Thats why we need to talk

We need to set a date. Cuz I need advance notice to book the holidays.

Not to mention we should probly book the hotel rooms in advance.
Are we keeping the meet in Alberta or are we going to include the BC guys and try to meet them half way somewhere.

We need to decide these two Major things asap so we can start looking up hotel’s and stuff to see whats going on beforehand. Or plan for camping ETC

I have a week free in July from the 14th to the 21st. That would be the only time for me this summer, have an overseas trip planned for October so I need to work as much as possible to accommodate both.

Do these dates work for anyone else?

Doesn’t matter to me what the dates are.

I vote late July. August is potentially going to be busy for me.

So what about the 16th, 17th, and 18th of July? Right in the middle of summer. I don’t mind letting the BC ppl join but I don’t want to drive too far. Locations ppl?

Lake Louise, Jasper, Canmore, Golden or Invermere

I can’t do those dates as that is when the Stampede is on. It’s actually one of the busier times of the year for me.

I still like my idea of camping out. Okanaogan is pretty nice that time of year. Though anywhere in the mountains is pretty nice in the summer.

jasper has alot of places to camp that are smexie for picture taking but so is golden… and thats not that far…

I like Kristin’s idea. I’ve been wanting to go camping for a while, just dont have people to do it with since I’m new out here.

You guys will have to set all the fine details, as I’m really busy at work. As long as it’s middle-late summer, and it’s not on the bottom coast of B.C., I’m in.

Well if we want Kristin to show up it has to be after stampede.
You If we hit up jasper its about the same drive for both us calgary guys and you edmonton guys.
thats where my vote is for. and yes camping sounds like a good idea

I know some good camping places in Jasper. This is they all involve gravel roads

ewwww gravel roads :frowning:

Tell me why is a POS when you are trying to register??? It keeps telling me that I didn’t enter the proper confirmation number. WTF is that? I even tried to post a reply in the open to guests thread area and I get the same bullshit. Can someone on that forum contact the ring leader and tell him his forum is fucked? thanks.