Alignment at Suburban

Just called Suburban to schedule an appt. for alignment

the guy said typically it’ll take about 2 hours to do my car, @ $75 an hour

is this common for suburban? people that have recommended them have told me it’s only cost them like $50 ( although just on a rwd, not awd )

Yes. You have an AWD car. you have a DSM. Yes.

Be patient and let them do the job right :slight_smile:

EDIT: Aww crap this is a month old.

an hour wow we charge 79 dollars to align mitsu awd cars


i still prefer goodyear


i’ll hook my boys up on alignments all day long, as long as its not sams (eclipsed) 2G gsx thats so low i had to take off the front bumper and lower IC hoses to get front toe and camber readings :eek:

yea, but you have to take it back a couple times before the guy realizes he has to do it right :slight_smile:

you would think by now he would know my car and just do it right the first time and stop being so damn lazy.

lol :frowning:

but they will return anything at sears

we warranty for one year :tup:

who is we?

those guys warranty for a year…

firestone or goodyear, i can’t remember :stuck_out_tongue:

Goodyear Tire.

Adam - where are you posting from?

stfu you are blowing my :snky: dissapearance


we use a hunter 4-wheel computerized alignment machine…we can even take your own specs and plug them and align accordingly…just ask bret (neuro)



what location? when i call who do i ask for to make sure i dont get a chump?

well asking for sean ( jdmr2 / beautyofawd ) doesnt really help you avoid that situation



from his posts, it makes it sound like hes not doing them. its just good to know who to talk to.

Yup, just as long as you make your decimal points big enough… :wink:

But they gave me exactly what I asked for, and the car handles the way it should with that alignment.

Sean doesn’t personally do the alignments, the senior tech does, and he definitely knows what he is doing. If you bring your specs make sure you have the toe listed in degrees rather than fractions of an inch…

well, come talk to me and i’ll point you in the direction of our alignment tech. ask sam (eclipsed) too, b/c i know he LOVES his alignment and that was one huge PITA, but it got done, and done right :tup: