Alignment needed!

Big dudes = big difference

Bush doesnt care about black dudes.

Just giving them a little love since they did such good work on my car!

From what I understand, with all the work they have on their plate, they would have never been an option for you.


I’m just boggled about where you got corner balancing out of a thread asking about alignments?

So how’d the alignment go?

A lot of times when people want to sit in the car for the alignment, it’s a good time to do a corner balance at the same time…sorry I metioned anything Car God!

They’re totally different, so how, in ANY way, is it a “it’s a good time to do” job? It’s not like the timing chain’s being replaced and “it’s a good time to do” the water pump too.

Don’t think I’m the “Car God” just because I know more than you and don’t spout stupid shit out every chance I get.

Not bad. They couldn’t match factory specs due to them being weighted apparently, but it drives straight.

Your the coolest! If I could only drive like you and be a racing hero! I’m sure Sebastian Vettel is getting worried right about now!

Are you 12? You act younger, and dumber, than 98% of this forum.

cossey craig is cool man , let it go . craig let it be alsoman , cossey is a great guy as well

Operator error or somethings bent. There’s plenty of range to get it in spec without weight in it.


Stop browsing SRTBEAST’s Facebook, Mark.

Well if John says you are a good guy Cossey, I’ll take his word for it. Sorry for any name calling…I’ll try to grow up from now on.