All done!!

Yo Junior, Congrats on your final decision in the matter. However, Please show some restraint when it comes to buying " a grown up car". I’m not that much older then you maybe a year or 2 and I’ve already found my career. Keep in mind what Solarion said cause it’s entirely true, I’ve own an Audi, VW and BMW and let me offer this advise to you, “don’t set a timeline on anything you do because life is something you have to adapt to”…and owning a grown up car doesn’t mean you’ll be grown up financially…

You should have kept the Civic come to think of it…

Congrats none the less and best wishes for your future endeavours

The Civic was a good car, but not for me… plus it raised my insurance, i cant have that! In my experience setting a time line for myself has really helped me, of course if life throws me a curve ball im going to have to adapt and continue on. I hope to have a 2:1 ratio in my finances in the future or better yet 1:0 (zero debt). BMW M3 is VERY nice I must say, Audi is close behind!

Thanks for all the well wish and the car advice… thats why SON240sx is #1 forum to be on, before, during, and after owning a Nissan 240SX!!

congrats, good luck with your life’s new trail, you are a great asset to this car community, take care.

Ya your telling me I haven’t daily driven a 240 for over 2 years. If you plan on getting an Audi make sure to avoid the lemon years(2000 ish years, suggest 2004 +)

and a bmw M3 isnt expensive to maintain ? you dont swap motors on porsches, thats why you buy the right porsche in the first place.

Clearly my experience > yours. The M3 is cheaper to maintain. My suggestion is buy a Hyundai brand new, that is a mature car. Paid off no payments and it will get you from place to place. It may aid you in getting to your debt free goal or buy a beater to drive until and dies and repeat.

It’s hard to leaves cars and racing behind when you’re in deep IMO. I always wanted in since a kid. I wanted a good job to just have money for cars. Never ending, never satisfied, always want more, a bigger and better high. I feel like I have a heroin addiction as far as cars go. The first time I felt boost, my life was turned upside down. I don’t think I could ever quit without rehab lol.

I imagine you feel it in your stomach. But on the plus side, cars won’t be going anywhere. This hobby will be here for you when it’s time. You will probably have a deeper appreciation for it when you make sacrifices to get to where you want.

P.S we gotta cruise before the S13 leaves your hands.

you should definitely sell your car in favor of a lease…

I however like the idea of adding a car to my stable every 2-4 years rather than getting another lease…

G/L - growing up is overrated

i want to get into a wrx. great fun to start off and awesome year round.

Well fucking put .

You better save our asses from tickets… Good luck

good luck, ima miss your WHOMP

bro get a mx83 and live the sedan life. plus the insurance goes VVV

haha im rocking the mx83 shits legit. even a x9 would be hoood.

ima miss you tho tear…lol

Good luck with everything man.

This is SOOO true.

I sold my s14 2yr ago and regret it, but moving on to different things.

Now I’m back but trying something else.

Keeping a nice 4dr but with some power to play with.

I SERIOUSLY can’t see myself NOT enjoying cars, so it’s all about finding a good balance.

Good luck man!

This is your third time leaving the game man.You’ll be back next year like you where this year.

pfff… you’ll be back.

and if you pull me over doing 50km’s over the limit i expect to be let off scott free.


I know how you feel and I made the move to better myself. I sold my parts and got ride of my s13, pick up a lexus sc300. I have had less problems, spent less money. All I need is a good Job.

Junior do what you have to do, and once you get into the police force you will be able to afford to do another project propperly, no have cuts.

PS Junior Miss Chu at the massage place called and said you have not paid your bill of 500.00. What the hell are you doing? I could not get my massage today you bastard!!! LOL

500 bucks for massage holly S*&% man