All most killed by crackhead (long story)

call one of those TV stations and tell them your story. do it now while you still care.

Hanley is a fucking prick

dude seriously there has been some fucked up shit at that intersection too

But tyler, you’re lucky this fucker didnt make you his bitch, because if a grown man is coked up you’re done for. I hear what you’re sayin though, people make stupid choices in the heat of the moment. I would DEFF talk to someone public about this. And what did you’re GF’s grandfather have to say about it all??

Old man strength and being coked out is not a good mix… sorry to hear though man. Hanley probably knew him or something, everyone knows every cop in west seneca, there is not too many different ones…

its all he said she said bullshit.

No news station is going to want this.

Not to be a prick, but yeah if he’s driving like an idiot with a kid in the car why get yourself involved? Not your problem, let them handle it if they want to.


ive gotten 9 tickets from him. total douchebag.

is there a legitimate way to fuck with the police? I mean, let’s say you had a car that was perfect in every sense. Both tags, good tires, lights reg/insp/insur, muffler, cat, everything. Then you put a huge sticker on it that said “I HATE COPS” or something like that, then drive around until you get pulled over… could they do anything? if they were being videotaped?

#1. You should have taken his plate number when he first started taunting you. Although I can understand wanting to pound someone who is endangering your lives and property…

#2. When he got out of the car you should have siezed the opportunity to :gtfo:

#3. All you can do now is pray for his kid. Everybody has a story about a cop being an incompetent dick. The news won’t care. You have no proof so the law won’t care.

Glad you didn’t get hurt.

how old is this ocifer

tyler you are a little boy and getting out of your car to beat the shit out of someone is generally a bad idea. particularly if you think it’s a minor. you might have a chance against some old man, but getting out of your car is asking for trouble. the second he got out, you should have taken off. getting a ticket for running a red light wouldn’t be as bad as what potentially would have happened if officer dickhead hadn’t showed up. your car beats STi’s and .:R’s. you shouldn’t have a problem outrunning a cokehead in a four door focus.

I was hoping for,

“Well, originally I had planned to yell ‘CITIZENS’ ARREST!’ but then the blue meanies came and they didn’t like me because they thought I was just some tea head due to my Volkswagen. Phew.”

but you let me down.

rig car with cameras, one of which is pointed squarely at the gauge cluster

make sure car is 110% legal in all ways shapes and forms, operate vehical 110% legally also

drive around till officer in question pulls you over

talk to officer in a “im irritated that you pulled me over” type vioce

sumbitt resulting tape of your beat down to the local news stations

sue police



I say call the poice station when that kid winds up dead. The news will love that story.

wow man deff fucked up tell some1 any1 that guys a total creep

Haha actually yeah. Get your complaint filed so it’s documented, wait for crack head to fuck up, call news station, ???, profit.

I would not be going to the news stations…I dont want that… Im just saying, iwant to write a letter to the buffalo news…maybe they will post it in the paper…that way many people will see it…and his name will be out there and people will know who to look out for.
even if people don’t belive me…oh well its not the first thing in the news paper people don’t belive.
But its not like its just my story, I had two people with me. and we have proof that we callled 911 and placed a complaint

not trying to make myself sound like a hard ass…but they guy was probly 5’5…maybe 135lbs.
I think i would have had a chance.
even if i did get beat. i had my friend in the car as well… so 2-on 1…will always win.

I dont think you realize what coke or any other serious drug does to people. You cannot stop them. It takes police Multiple bean bags and tazers to take them down.

rodney king was on PCP, he wouldnt stop, so he got beat.

well… the PCP and the fact that he was a “dirty nigger”

not if the guys got a weapon man…

i can’t say your in idiot for getting out of the car, because its understandable. your pissed off and want to pound on the guy, but really you shouldnt have gotten out of the car.

-if the suspected crackhead had a gun, then you would have been screwed, etc etc. you just dont know!

-if you didnt get out of the car, and the officer saw the crackhead screaming at you, he probably wouldnt have been so quick to let him go.

shitty situation to say the least. he probably saw the kid in the front seat and just assumed you were fuckin with him, not the other way around.

either way we just need to pray for the little kid and be glad you, your g.f and your friend are okay.