All women are the same...

When I say people change there completely different at the end of a relationship. I was with my ex for 5 years almost got married and I am only 21. Thing was she was completely different 5.5 years ago when I first met her. She was completely different 3 years ago. She changed so much and I tried so hard to get her back to the way she used to be but it never happened. I tried for so long so save what was a broken relationship. Sorry to highjack the thread 1320… But getting back to it. Yes people change over years it happens. Want different things.

hey man dont drowned your problems in booze the only place that gets you is throwing up on the side of rt 70 and a head that fucked up with a head ach. the only thing drinking to forget does is reminds you how much you hate throwing up. fuck her keep your head up lean on your homies for support

yeah the drinkin can get you in trouble i this was happened to all over us guys and girls just keep your self busy with work or just spend hours on end fuckin off on pittspeed we are all here for each others entertainment purposes


punch her in the babymaker

AMEN kolar:embarass:

call emo all you like. Kolar > all of your lives put together.

suck dick much?

straight shot!!

kill some tire for a while, shoot some guns, go fishing, then drink your face off. a week of that will cure you.


all you will be is hungover and have less money than before.

time is what it will take, but keep your mind on things you like. Buy, build and sell a few cars in the next month or so to keep your mind off of girls.

Like pewter said - if I can find the right girl, anyone can.

good luck

Keep it gangsta man, good girls get down with them gangstas.

whore’s do suck, it’s a shame the’re 90% of the female population

first vid on my profile it will make you feel better

if you found out your girlfriend was cheating on you… :rofl:

it would take them a week to clean your brains off the ceiling.


alcohol doesnt help. Unless you’re using it solely as a means to make yourself pass out. That DOES work… but when you wake up you’re back in the same boat.

New, fresh, young pussy is the cure to what this man ails from.