All you mofo's that wear baggy pants.......


:wtf: does this have to do with anything in this thread is this just you looking for love for basically jumping someone???

Im not arguing with that. The point is if they made a law that says (no jogging suits with gold chains, no frosted tips, no turbans, etc) that is racism any way you twist it but apparently to some people racism is funny… I guess im just a crazed minority who finds this law a bit offensive IDK


Holy fucking shit!!!

“Hi I’m Afrank45 and I think everything ever done on the entire earth is just a ploy to promote racism.”

I can’t stand people who spin everything that happens into a race issue. It only makes things worse not better!! Maybe the people enacting these fines just want the youth of America to stop looking like fucking assholes.

I’m not saying a agree with regulating what people wear but I really don’t want to hear that it is a race issue.