Allegheny County Rental Car/Drink Tax

Where and how often do you bartend? I have a pretty good view of the bar business, considering my pap owned a bar for 20 years and my dad owned one as well…as well as my sister bartending. Talking to both of them it seems like it really wont make much of a difference and it will all even out. You will always have cheap tippers and good tippers and they will tip accordingly. The good tippers will give you a little extra (b/c of the uneven totals) and the cheap tippers give you a little less than normal b/c of the uneven totals. They also made a point that there are always uneven totals and typically if they are over $.50 then people typically add a $1 anyways. That is just their points of views…where between the both of them they have about 35-40 years of bartending experience between the both of them.

At the end of the day like I said before at first people will be pissed and go out less but that will only last for a short period of time. Like the no smoking law it works in many other large cities.