Allegheny County Rental Car/Drink Tax

Allegheny County folk:

Care to weigh in on the new drink tax and rental car tax passed, set to start Jan 2?? - Link if you aren’t up to speed.

I think it’s a joke… Doesn’t Allegheny County tax enough?

My man Matt Drozd said f u. Taxpayers shouldn’t have to make up for the Port Authorities years of mismanagement. Fuck that shit. Cut pensions and salaries. We already went over this before when the paper printed pay scales for bus drivers.

It’s quite ridiculous that this got passed. 10% drink tax! that is going to really put a hurting on the servers/bartenders. The rental car thing is just retarded, another reason why businesses will stay away from PGH.

one thing I haven’t seen and I just started reading up on this… is this in addition to the 7% we already get charged for served food? So would taxes on drinks be 17% total?

well we have to pay for a new arena somehow.

that’s bullshit. fuck this all.

This sucks… however bars up charge soo much for drinks that they can lower the prices… they should lower the prices on drinks…

I compared rental car prices from the Avis in Southpointe to the Avis at the airport. For the same car and rental dates, the price was 50% higher already at the airport. The base price was the same but there was a higher sales tax and an airport tax and some other junk.

Hmm…Pgh has a few ongoing problems…
-Declining population
-Businesses leaving the area
-Can’t keep young people from local schools in the area

I know, raise taxes, that will fix everything!

Somehow government can only ever come up with 1 answer, raising taxes and spending simultaneously. No matter what happens, that is the solution they come up with. I say we stop paying that crap.

It seems like it may be time for another Boston Tea Party.

If you have followed this from the beginning like I havethe Port Authority isn’t the only place this money is going they only need a small percentageof it but OnoRATo pushed it off as it is all going to them. I say if you have to tax something hit the poker and cherry machines in the bars that woukd make up for the 10% that they want

And now you see why I refuse to live in Allegheny County and prefer not to do any business there. No matter how convenient it is to be in that place, nothing could be worse than the taxation and mismanagement.

It is not the arena…it is funding the North Shore Connector porject…like we need that…that’s $500,000,000…idiots

damn, Washington County here we come!

This is becoming more viable of an option… I can’t wait to see the fallout from all of this, and to see how bars are going to work with this.

I was in Philly a couple weeks ago where they have a no smoking policy in all the bars… The door guy said that business has declined drastically… Just imagine when that happens here in addition to the tax…

Wait, Pittsburgh is getting a smoking ban too??

It would be nice…but that didn’t go through

They are not going to lower prices on drinks, they need to maintain a consitent profit margin on drinks to maintain their business. Most bars in PGH are getting crushed on Liquor Licenses, rent and the increase of minimum wage. I would not be surprised if the average drink price increased 20%.

I’m glad I live in butler county. I’m buying all my drinks there from now on.

The North Shore Connector is Rendell’s mistake. They are already $40mil over budget…

Yep and that’s how it’s getting paid for…Oh well i don’t drink that often or rent cars.