allow myself to intro. myself...

Just wanted to take the time to introduce myself… been looking around your site for bit now. The rev. in the name is because I am a minister at a church (you probably don’t hear that one a lot around here) One of my other loves is cars - always has and always will… Dad always had old Galaxies around when growing up. First car was a 72 Mustang (351c) which I still have kind of (RIP = rusting in pieces waiting… now a parts car for the most part). I love Mustangs, you might love or hate them, but they were my first love, and had 3 since. But, now that I have a family, two jobs, and many responsibilities - had to switch to Honda power. I drive 64 miles round trip to my other job, needed reliable, all weather, fun car with good mpg! Currently driving a 98 'treg GS with minor mods. I am also rebuilding a 84 c10 chevy truck with some of the teens from my church. Its a 305v8, auto, 2wd with a decent body - but has been sitting for 10 years now. No pictures of the treg till spring hits, and the truck will take a while. Catch you later on the road, or at least try to!


Holy first post!

Welcome to the site.

Please ignore most of the nitwit banter that I’m sure will follow.

treg = integra?


Hai. Welcome.

honda power is where its at, lol i am a ricer at heart.

Cue rimshot

treg = teg = integra… please forgive, I should know the abbreviation for my own car.

It’s nice to see someone playing both sides of the fence…(I mean import/domestic ya bums) :slight_smile:


totally frankensteined ya ma’s ass last night

welcome :wave:

welcome to the forum man :wave:


um.:spank: or something.

-------------welcome to the forum. forgive the insolence

Welcome…what church do you work at?

:lol: Naw we get it all the time. :rofl: Actually most theological discussions on here (not that we have many) suggest that the majority of the board, the outspoken part anyways, is of an agnostic mindset. :shrug:

Welcome. There’s lots of BS on this site, but if you can sift through it there is tons of local knowledge too. :tup:

I am a minister too. I signed up online a few years ago.

dude, you’re talking about playing both sides, and bums.

something you want to tell the forum?



I also like zee older Stangs, see sig :wave: