Almost died today.. well... not really.

So I was driving eastbound on the Gardiner onto the offramp heading to the DVP north at like 130 km/h.

When I come onto the offramp i revmatch from 5th to 4th… and once I get into 4th there’s no response from the engine. I’m flooring it but the RPM stays the same. Suddenly it drops to 0 all the lights on the console go on, lose power steering, while making a turn at 130 km/h in traffic. Car stalled.

So I grab the key and crank it… car turns on… revs on its own to 2000, 0, 2000, 0, 2000, 0. Stalls again. I finally try again and the car turns on. phew. I’m still alive. lol.

So later on when traffic got a little lighter I tried to revmatch from 5th to 4th again just to see if it would happen again, and sure enough, i pumped the gas in 4th and nothing. so i took it out of 4th and back into 5th before it could stall out again… everything was normal. then i realized as i revmatched i hit the 5k rev limiter. So i tried again, not going all the way up to 5k and it downshifted normally… ok. Then i did it again hitting rev limiter and once again, no response when i put it into 4th.

Did Nissan screw up with something? This also happened to me once in my old 240 but I just imagined it was something gay with a vacuum leak (i was actually coming to a full stop from the highway that time).

Anyway, I also tried downshifting later on just for the hell of it when going like 70 on the normal roads… it didn’t happen again at lower speeds… but it happened at higher speeds.

WTF is going on? Today scared the shit out of me.

I honestly dont know whats up with that fourth gear… that has never happened to me but driving without power sterring isnt that bad since ive been doing that for almost a year now.

Not sure why it happens when you downshift but i remember something like that happened to me once that i shifted i forget into what gear to continue accelerating and as soon as i started to step on the gas normaly after it shifted it felt like it would slow down… the more i gas it the slower it goes… then it stalled… really wierd…

but i have no suggestions because it happened that one time a few months ago and ever since i havent had an issue like that.

Controlling no power steering is easy, this coming from a guy who’s PS lines blew on him like 7829657826 times. it just stresses you out a little when you have to make the sudden change in steering input.

That’s exactly the problem I had. Fucked up.

so your revmatching in 5th gear then shifting into 4th and letting the clutch out and punching it? maybe when you rev with it still in 5th (clutch in) it thinks your doing 180 and cuts fuel on you, then as you punch it in 4th the fuel pressure hasnt built up enough for the extra air you give it by punching the throttle and that causes the stall? i have no idea if what i just wrote makes any sense but whatever

so why did you almost lose control?

because you were -shifting in a corner?
-or the engine cut out?
-lack of P/S?

I dunno your weird problem, tech Q?

I didn’t almost lose control, lol.

The car just scared me. I’ve never had a car stall on me at 130 while turning, that’s all.

The main point of this is the tech part… you’re right, maybe this should be moved to tech?

thats really weird, all I know is that it doesnt happen in my car.

and what 5k rev limiter are you talking about? am I missing something?

i hit the speed limiter in 4th… 180km in 4th is definately passed 5000 RPM… what year is your 240?

the 5k rev limiter is only in 5th gear. 240’s have a rev limiter of 5k in 5th gear and a speed limiter for 180 km/h.

Mine’s a '93 hatch.

I’d had something similar like that happen to me too.

I was on hwy 401E getting on hwy 427 N and right on the on ramp, car stalls out on me and I downshifted as well from 5th for 4th.

I put the car in neutral, shut it off, started it again and was able to keep going but yeah it’s a little nerve rackin having your car stall on you at highspeed while cornering an on ramp with cars all around.